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Full time RVer never home with friends living at permanent residence

Check some court cases on denied claims. He left his owner occupied house, now rents it & no longer has any intention to return to it as his owner occupied residence by his own words.

I even know of a situation where a family lakehouse was used on occasion but the elderly mother had been in a nursing home & died. The 1 son left the insurance in place that was on it & failed to get either a landlord dwelling package policy or a vacant home policy. Claim denied & that son was sued by the estate because he failed his fiduciary duty to protect the property as required as the executor/trustee. (Side bar- always know what you agree to when you are agreeing to be executor or trustee & buy bond & insurance to protect yourself from liability for making a mistake)

This poster definitely needs a landlord unit owners policy, not an owner occupied unit owners based on what he has stated
I didn't say I would never return. I said in a previous post if we had an issue with the RV, I would definitely return while I searched for another RV. I would also return in the event that fuel becomes prohibitively expensive, my wife or I have an ongoing medical issue, or if there was some sort of civil strife that made traveling risky or impossible. These are the main reasons I wanted to keep the place... all of the unknowns associated with full time travel. Also, the proof of residency that I feel owning a homesteaded home in a state provides, especially when I spend so much time in other states who may someday attempt to claim I am a "resident" and owe income taxes there (FL has no income tax). Having a homesteaded home is at least some proof that I am not a resident in any other state as I only have one home, located in one state where all of my personal items are and where I have my driver license, voter registration, pay property taxes, etc.
I have contacted a RE agent who is going to run some comps and see what he can do about selling it with these 'tenants' and signing this low rent lease with them. If it doesn't sell I am going to see about adding the rental endorsement or just getting a LL policy. In the meantime, I am going to keep the policy I currently have for whatever coverages it may or may not offer and hope for the best during the time it takes to sell. I appreciate everyone's input and all of the conversation surrounding my somewhat unique situation. I would have you all do a review of my full timer coverage to look for potential problems with that policy but last time I asked for assistance with my insurance I ended up contacting a realtor! :D I love my RV way too much for that.;)