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FundRaiser Coupon Card - Prospecting Idea


5000 Post Club
This idea is simple and could help some agents. This idea will get in you front of a lot of prospects and won't cost you a lot of money to do. If you are low on money and want to try something, then this is a good idea for you.

Have you ever seen those little coupon cards that youth depts or fund raiser sell for $5 to $10?


Most restaurants and businesses are struggling and they need more business. They are spending lots money on advertising to bring in more business. Also, youth depts/groups need money and are doing all types of fundraises where they don’t make a big profit.
Most of the restaurants are willing to give you a 10% coupon if you tell them what you are doing and how you will do the work for them and they don’t have to pay for the printing or anything. You can also find some other businesses that will give you a big discount on their products or services.​

You would be surprised on how many little ads you can fit onto a coupon book the size of a business card. You can also place a copyright on the booklet that you make.
My 1st couple of years in this business all I did was targeted new homeowners and got businesses to give them free stuff that I brought to them. I was like the welcome committee. Clients loved the coupon books and free gifts. But let me get back to the idea.​

My boys are both scouts and were always selling the popcorn and trying to raise money for the scouts. My youth dept at my church is always doing car washes and things to raise money also.
What if they could charge $5 a coupon card and it only cost them a nickel to make? They make $4.95 each coupon book they give out. Every youth dept and group loves fundraises that work and brings in good money.
The groups that you help will do a lot of the work for you after you set everything up for them. This is a free and easy way to get your ad in front of tons of prospects, while helping tons of people at the same time. I personally keep this card in my wallet at all times so that I can save a little money when I go out to eat.​

Think about all the people you help including yourself. You will get to talk to local business owners and let them know about your services and how you are there to help people. What if you raise $1,000 for a youth dept or the scouts? All those parents will know who you are and what you did to help them. The more people you get in front of the better chances you have.​

You own these cards and allow them to use them. So you decide what goes on the cards. Of course you are going to add your free services to the cards or something that you come up with.​

You will end up approaching businesses, churches, parents, and support groups. This will help you get past what I call the gateway keepers at businesses.​

You can also have as many of these cards as you want to hand out as a prospecting tool or gift to your clients. You can go door to door or do whatever to pass out these cards. You can also put these cards with something else that you are handing out.


Here is just one place you can use to make them, if you can't find a cheaper or better place. You may even talk a local printing company into making this cards for free, because it is for a fundraiser. Most printing companies will not charge a lot for these type of cards.​


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Can you go into more detail about the how? So you get all of these other businesses to agree to giving a certain discount and put that coupon onto a card. Do you have them printed up and then give these organizations the cards to sell as a fund raiser? Do you have the organization lined up first, or do you line up the participating buisnesses first? Also, where do you fit in your ad? Or is the process getting you in front of various business owners and organizations?

It sounds pretty awesome, like something I'd love to try. Just want it fleshed out a little more thoroughly. I'm also a little dense sometimes....more often than not, according to my wife.
Can you go into more detail about the how? So you get all of these other businesses to agree to giving a certain discount and put that coupon onto a card. Do you have them printed up and then give these organizations the cards to sell as a fund raiser? Do you have the organization lined up first, or do you line up the participating buisnesses first? Also, where do you fit in your ad? Or is the process getting you in front of various business owners and organizations?

It sounds pretty awesome, like something I'd love to try. Just want it fleshed out a little more thoroughly. I'm also a little dense sometimes....more often than not, according to my wife.

Look at the attached thumb nail as an example. It looks like a big tic tac toe board and you can fit your ad in anywhere.

You are the one that has them printed up. I have a local printing company that does not charge me anything to do this. It is for a good cause. But if they do charge you a dime each, it does not matter. They will sell for $5 bucks. So it will cost whoever a dime to make $4.90. It is a great fundraiser system.

1st fine who you want to do the fundraiser for. Tell them what you are doing and how this will work.

This system will put you in front of business owners , parents and get your ad in front of tons of people.

If you have any questions, just call me after the holidays and I will try and help you.
WoW this is an amazing idea! Did you have to get any contract agreements with the businesses? Or did you just talk to the owners and go from there?

I think this could even be pretty beneficial in the senior market. Seniors LOVE to eat, and they LOVE to golf. Split the card with half and half discounts and Bam.

I think a fundraiser for something elementary school related would be perfect. Sports/field trips/ even the youth centers at the churches!

I'm also curious is your ad much bigger on the front/ back of the card? I don't see an insurance ad on the card you posted.
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