Let's get a dialogue going pertaining to what the seasoned agents do to generate referrals.
Some agents ask clients right after the sale, while others send out birthday/holiday/thinking of you cards with a short message asking the client to forward the agents information to anybody interesting in obtaining insurance.
Newsletters (e-mail or print) to an existing clients base make note of referring the agents information to family and friends to generate referrals.
Others offer a $10 gift card for any leads, while others may offer $25-$100 per lead that generates in a sale.
What do you consider the most effective, ethical and most profitable????????
Some agents ask clients right after the sale, while others send out birthday/holiday/thinking of you cards with a short message asking the client to forward the agents information to anybody interesting in obtaining insurance.
Newsletters (e-mail or print) to an existing clients base make note of referring the agents information to family and friends to generate referrals.
Others offer a $10 gift card for any leads, while others may offer $25-$100 per lead that generates in a sale.
What do you consider the most effective, ethical and most profitable????????