Georgia House Sets Minimum Commission for Health Insurance Agents

I am pretty sure Obamacare beat TX to the punch.

Our legislature does everything.

Pre ACA, some mandates included:

Dependents to age 25, with no student requirements
Lifetime max minimum of $5 million
Infertility coverage definition
Group terms must be completed within 3 business days of EOM (my personal favorite)
Newborns covered under mom for the first 31 days
A high risk pool that was under funded with a $1million max

When Congress (pre ACA) would pass a law, it almost never affected us. In 2013, we were sitting in meetings and the carriers were saying groups would see a 1% increase due to ACA. We didn't have the mass benefit overhaul other states did. We already covered everything. And had the rates to go with it.
So TX had GI, free birth control, unisex rates, community rating and a 3:1 max for older vs younger age bands?

Those are the items that drove everyone crazy and spiked the rates everywhere else. The things you listed were chump change.
So TX had GI, free birth control, unisex rates, community rating and a 3:1 max for older vs younger age bands?

Those are the items that drove everyone crazy and spiked the rates everywhere else. The things you listed were chump change.

I was referring to group.

And you said ACA beat us...I was pointing out based on this:

If the legislature starts setting commissions, next thing they will think they can dictate underwriting rules, benefits and rates.

TX was already doing a lot of it on group. Not every single one. And with the carriers stating 1%, it wasn't that bad and our group rates didn't spike on 1/1/14.

We just pass out 17% increases like we have the last 20 years. But that's not an ACA issue.....
So TX had unisex group rates and community rating?

I stopped writing small group a couple of years ago when IFP went GI. But I do know the impact on rates, group and IFP, was significant with community rating.

I believe we have 17 rate areas in GA. Two of them had the highest rates in the country (or at least made the top 10).

We had (believe this is right) 4 or maybe 5 areas where BX was the only carrier on the exchange.

I have watched group and IFP commissions steadily drop over the last 3 years and the bottom drop out in 2016.

So happy for you that your market was immune to all the Obamcare BS. The rest of us aren't in Kansas any more, Toto