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Getting Appointed with Colonial Life

It sounds like most of you don't understand the commission structure. Or the roles.

If you're a Colonial agent, you don't do any other insurance. The commissions aren't bad at all, but it's the QTD and YTD bonuses that add up, as well. Often, they can can be 100% or more of your commissions.

My cousin was looking for work, so I recommended Colonial as I really like the local guy and his team. My cousin is doing well by simply trying to help the employer, and the employees. All of her groups are small (3- 15 lives), and she is on target to make about $65,000 total this year.

She was only making $34,000 in her previous job.

If you're selling other products, you are a broker, and should be on a broker contract. Brokers don't "sell" Colonial, they should use their Colonial team. Although maybe you don't have one (a good one).

I am a broker and do group products. I have my local Colonial team do most of the work on the voluntary stuff (presenting, coordinating, enrolling, servicing, supporting). We just get the commission, which often equals $900/hr or more for the time we put in.

In Reno we have some of the highest unemployment in the nation. My business is up quite a bit over last year, as employees are looking for help. Most brokers around here are lazy, and don't try to actually help the business or their workers, they focus on "selling" to the owner.

Education and not sales is they key. Educate the business owner and the employees and they will participate, now more than ever.
It sounds like most of you don't understand the commission structure. Or the roles.

If you're a Colonial agent, you don't do any other insurance. The commissions aren't bad at all, but it's the QTD and YTD bonuses that add up, as well. Often, they can can be 100% or more of your commissions.

The Colonial comp plan is stacked heavily in favor of the opener role. The big money and bonuses are made by opening accounts. If you can open 20 accounts or more each year you will make meaningful bonus money.

The other roles: coordinator and enroller do not offer the same upside leverage.
what is the difference of Colonial against all others..? just asking, though..
Colonial has a great office with training in my area and I mixed well with the people there. I considered Farmers, Alfa and Aflac. I am enjoying it there so far and most people I call have heard good things about Colonial and are willing to talk more.

A company called Eldercare, from Arkansas one of the largest in this state, we sell in Arkansas,Texas and Tennessee that I know of, I really like the way the company is structured, they have their own brokerage firm and get their own leads and if you get a 'No Sell" they don't charge you for the leads, at least for the new guys, once you get seasoned they charge only for qualified leads, if you go out of town and spend the night away because you have appts the next day,they pick up the hotel bill.Everything sounds real good.

I ran across your comment and Eldercare never charges you for any leads (lead cards or telemarketing appointments.) I have been with them 13 years as a career guy and I wouldn't change it for any opportunity. They set my appts..I write business and they do all the rest. You are vested after 100 apps written. I have been with them awhile so I have my own area but if I want to pack up and move..they make arrangements for me to work in my new area. No problem. The are almost done with their new million dollar building which will house the career and brokerage firm. They have over 50 office staff, 60 career agents and 5,000 brokers throughout mid and central US.
The career agents that start w/ E/C...retire w/ E/C. They have over 90 different companies and work in 23 states. They pay for your licensing in any state you choose, cont. ed, all business matrial including business cards, e & o insurance and if you stay overnight..they foot the bill.
I was independent at one time but compared to what E/C offers as well as the commissions paid....I make more money..less stress..lot less paperwork...they do it all so you can sell more.
They have the top companies...all of them. It is incredible!!
check them out at: www.medicareinformation.com
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