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GM Pulls FB Ads

Very interesting timing. It's one thing to get someone to like your page. It's a whole different animal to get them to be a customer. Does anyone know of an Ecommerce platform that is solely run from a FB page? Meaning they have no other website? I'd be interested to see it...
Gotta find the article but it was rather bad for FB. Google earns $30 per user while FB only earns $4. 16% of FB uses polled don't trust clicking links. Ouch.

Just my opinion regarding their IPO, but they're about to set a new definition for "bubble."
I have run pay click adds of Facebook. They don't work for Individual health sales.

So many people miss what facebook is. Its a cocktail party with free drinks. No one is buying.

Now what can happen is someone will post "who do you recommend for this product or service"

I get maybe 3 or 4 individual health sales off FB a year and I have over 700+ friends.
FB is doing their best to minimize the news in light of their IPO.

FB has a market for advertisers, but with so many issues members have had with viruses and hacking they really have a problem to overcome. I get things from FB friends all the time that require me to install an app. Something I will not do.

My site was hacked a few months ago when I opened an email from a relative. The FB message was actually sent by the hackers which allowed them to post a link to an adult video on my page without my knowledge. Only found out when some friends wanted to know about the vid on my page.

I erased it and did some poking around. Discovered I had been logged in from San Diego for the last day or so . . . except I had not been in SD in at least 15 years.

I suppose there are some folks doing OK with PPC on FB but none that I know.

So many people miss what facebook is. Its a cocktail party with free drinks. No one is buying.

Very good analogy
My niece uses it for her photography business (she shoots pics of babies and women in lingerie "Boudoir") and her husband for real estate. They don't pay anything to FB for it and get a decent amount of business from their efforts.

I guess by posting pictures of her works and pictures of his homes for sale with information people have something to see.

With insurance, what are you supposed to post pictures of, your new insurance premium? LOL I think if done right, life insurance could be marketed through it. I have a few ideas just haven't tried anything yet.
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....the biggest bubble the world has ever seen. And we have front row seats.

Are you saying it won't last John?

I'm thinking the same thing BUT knowing how much information can be accessed on people with FB and stuff we may not even know, to me it is up in the air about whether there may be indirect opportunities for corporations and government to capitalize on it for an indefinite time to come.
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