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Good Books to Read?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I was told there are a few books out there that are 'must reads' when it comes to becoming a good salesperson, especially when one is just getting into sales.

In particular, "The Feldman Method" and "Think and Grow Rich" (which I think isn't so much learning to sell, but learning to 'think' better--I started it but kind of piddled out halfway through when he started talking in more depth about energies and stuff like that)

I haven't picked up "The Feldman Method" yet, but a few other agents in my previous agency said it's really good. I just haven't taken the time to find it online and buy it.

Any other recommendations?
"Black Hawk Down!" It shows what people can do when faced with what seems like impossible odds.

There ain't nothen we can't do if we set our mind to it.

This job is not about gimmicks and "tricks" it is about determination to succeed in the face of seemingly impossible odds.
"Black Hawk Down!" It shows what people can do when faced with what seems like impossible odds.

There ain't nothen we can't do if we set our mind to it.

This job is not about gimmicks and "tricks" it is about determination to succeed in the face of seemingly impossible odds.

I watched a clip from this one ex-Seal guy speaking to the Raiders, and your post reminded me of it. Can't remember his name but his motto was basically "Not Dead, Can't Quit". It was really a really good talk. Found it on youtube...did a search for Raiders and Not Dead Can't Quit.

I also forgot to mention a book I'm meaning to get, I've read an excerpt from...The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino. It was the part about persisting until succeeding. Very powerful!
Think and Grow Rich is a very good book to read. I think everyone should read it once. That alone might pick the economy up a little.

I would pick up "How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Selling" by Frank Bettger and "Secrets of Question Based Selling" by Thomas Freese.

Also, learn your products inside and out and don't try and learn more than one at a time. Familiarize yourself with the applications, underwriting, ect. ect. Knowing your underwriting makes life so much easier for an agent in certain lines of insurance. Underwriting is like the Bible is to religion.

The other part of the equation is prospecting. You will have to do it before you are a good salesman and before you know everything about the product. You will constantly improve your sales ability by prospecting (you can't read how to ride a bike and expect to ride a bike like a pro from reading how.....) ALSO, products are constantly changing so once you get to know one inside and out they change a little here and there so don't get hung up on not prospecting because you don't know the product like you have been selling it for 10 years. If you do that, you'll never prospect or get out of the gate.

Finally, the real secrets of this business (there are two IMO), ONE is "working it" or "prospecting". The agents that prospect make money, it is as simple as that. There is no trickery, no master closes, no super sales guy that has the answer for every response. TWO is setting "goals" with a "plan". Without a goal and plan you are lost like a ship is lost at sea. Every successful person I have ever met in almost every field has goals, either for the day, week or month. You have to have goals and I suggest you write them down with your plan.

There are a lot of good books out there but I suggest those two books for you and what you are looking for ("just getting into sales"). Just don't forget about goals. When you see "unlimited income potential", that is where goals come into the equation and that is what it all is in a nutshell, an equation for success.
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I read "Go for No" a few years back. Its a short little book, but helped me get motivated somewhat when was in kind of a slump.
Also, I'm currently reading "Smart Calling" eliminate fear and rejection from cold calling. Not that I have a fear, but it has some good stuff to help make my calls more productive. Very good book so far....its working!
I read "Go for No" a few years back. Its a short little book, but helped me get motivated somewhat when was in kind of a slump.
Also, I'm currently reading "Smart Calling" eliminate fear and rejection from cold calling. Not that I have a fear, but it has some good stuff to help make my calls more productive. Very good book so far....its working!

I worked with an agent who's goal when he was telemarketing was to get 100 no's. He would keep calling until that many people told him "no" when he called.

He never reached his goal.
I was told there are a few books out there that are 'must reads' when it comes to becoming a good salesperson, especially when one is just getting into sales.

In particular, "The Feldman Method" and "Think and Grow Rich" (which I think isn't so much learning to sell, but learning to 'think' better--I started it but kind of piddled out halfway through when he started talking in more depth about energies and stuff like that)

I haven't picked up "The Feldman Method" yet, but a few other agents in my previous agency said it's really good. I just haven't taken the time to find it online and buy it.

Any other recommendations?

Quiete Strength by Tony Dungy. You will never realize how this can help you with your sales performance until the key points are presented. In the middle and End. Read swiftly for knowledge is power.
Quiete Strength by Tony Dungy. You will never realize how this can help you with your sales performance until the key points are presented. In the middle and End. Read swiftly for knowledge is power.

i can't send a pm, bobwise, but I noticed you are just down the road from me. Would you be available to meet, just to kind of give me an idea of what I'm getting into? I'm brand new at this, just got my license this month, and was with AIL for a few months, but left due to personality differences and not willing to work in the way the director wanted me to. Also realized that I was severely limiting myself by being a captive agent to a company that was so specialized. I'd be most appreciative if you wouldn't mind talking with me some time soon....

i can't send a pm, bobwise, but I noticed you are just down the road from me. Would you be available to meet, just to kind of give me an idea of what I'm getting into? I'm brand new at this, just got my license this month, and was with AIL for a few months, but left due to personality differences and not willing to work in the way the director wanted me to. Also realized that I was severely limiting myself by being a captive agent to a company that was so specialized. I'd be most appreciative if you wouldn't mind talking with me some time soon....

Absolutetly i can help. Where do you live? Let me know of how i can reach you and we can talk.

