Google ads

I've tried Adwords - like almost any form of getting leads you'll turn a profit, but they'll be the most expensive leads you'll ever get - if you're talking about AdWords.

Every market is different. When I had my campaign I was on the first page for around $3.50 a click. Most of the leads I got were junk - fake phone numbers, no phone numbers, young and broke, fake email addresses and uninsurable. Yes, I closed enough to turn a profit but there were better places for me to put my money.

The good news is you can't take a bath because you can limit the daily, weekly and monthly amount you're willing to spend. You can go as low as $10 per day if you want but your ad will only appear intermittently during the day. You can also pause or cancel it anytime you want.

You'll need a very good website where it's very clear to the client where to submit for a quote - it's not good enough to just have "quote" as one of your 8 links on the side of your site. Then you'll get bunch of people hitting your site and almost no one requesting a quote.
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I use pay per click advertising and though it has gotten expensive I still turn a pretty good profit from it.

However if you are only bidding in one state it can be expensive. I bid on National Terms and it makes the per click price go down.
It always got me a bit ticked when I punched into my stats and saw how many people were hitting my site and not requesting a quote. Then like was mentioned above, a lot of people will go to your site and a few others. So you think the lead's exclusive yet they're being called by 10 agents. But you're right - it'll still turn a profit.
If you're doing PPC, try and find the terms that have the highest search volume with the LOWEST competitor volume. Google's tool will help you with this. Try to stay away from other agents in your city so they won't click on your ad repetitively. Of course, none of this happens if you get your site to rank naturally - this is the best idea. Google Local is free as well and there are tricks to getting to the top.
What's up neighbor?

Are you sharing those "tricks?"

If you're doing PPC, try and find the terms that have the highest search volume with the LOWEST competitor volume. Google's tool will help you with this. Try to stay away from other agents in your city so they won't click on your ad repetitively. Of course, none of this happens if you get your site to rank naturally - this is the best idea. Google Local is free as well and there are tricks to getting to the top.
Haha I don't know....I'm afraid of posting them online. Not because of you - you're not even in the same state as me. But if everyone knows it won't work as well (haha).