Google Chrome Problem

It's the center column that's pushed way down in Chrome only.
The left and right columns are unaffected by this glitch.

I've always noticed the same thing. Thought that was just the way it was supposed to be. Meant to tell you about it way back. I found it hard to find your contact information.
Xsitepro2 support emailed me today and said

"I have visited your website using FireFox, Chome and a couple of other browsers, and I have nopt seen the effect you refer to.
Have you fixed this?

If you have, then great!
If you are still having this affect, please make sure that you are using the latest version of Chrome.
Also please be aware that Chrome is not a stable application. We do not recommend using Chrome as day to day usage browser at this time"

Can those that use chrome look at and see if there is a big gap that make you scroll down before you get to see the info.
yes in the center panel.

Xsitepro2 support emailed me today and said

"I have visited your website using FireFox, Chome and a couple of other browsers, and I have nopt seen the effect you refer to.
Have you fixed this?

If you have, then great!
If you are still having this affect, please make sure that you are using the latest version of Chrome.
Also please be aware that Chrome is not a stable application. We do not recommend using Chrome as day to day usage browser at this time"

Can those that use chrome look at and see if there is a big gap that make you scroll down before you get to see the info.
Have yall updated your Chrome lately?

I'm old fashion and still use internet explorer.