Government Hosting Live Web Chat for Behavioral Health

In any case, the analogy made was it's fine to find ways to save money on heart attack procedures but it's better to prevent the heart attack.

Because of this, there should be a focus on wellness and things like smoking cessation programs.

Problem is, there's no incentive for smokers, alcoholics, substance abusers or obese people to seek any kind of preventative care, even if it's "free" until they decide it's time to change their habits.

Question: Will the obese smokers choose to participate in any kind of program?

Answer: No more than the number who currently choose to do so.

This is not about money. How much would someone who smokes 2 packs a day save monthly if they stopped smoking? How much would an overeater save in food cost? Again - not about money.

Sebelius didn't come out and say it, but her theory is "If we only made behavioral health free just imagine the number of people who would seek treatment."
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At least you didn't invite Hillary to the party. That would have been over the top.

Somarco: I'm going to one up you: How about Sebelius, Hillary, Kagan, AND Pelosi in one room getting it on? Are you down with this sickness?
How about Sebelius, Hillary, Kagan, AND Pelosi in one room getting it on? Are you down with this sickness?

You own this one.

Ever thought of counseling? I hear it does wonders.