Greetings From Katy Texas!


1000 Post Club
Katy, TX
Greetings from Katy Texas.

I have never sold a policy face to face, nor do I want to. I wouldn't even know what to say other than "do you have access to the Internet?"

I have a call center operation specializing in insurable major med in 20+ states, with a staff of apx. 10 captive in house licensed and highly trained agents (that part is true).

We are very professional and have a strict dress code requirement of shorts and flip flops, no collared shirts, and we require at least 4 margaritas per week (minimum) or you will never last...

I only sell individual health insurance - I enjoy a good challenge finding people who have not had a cough in the last 10 years, want no maternity coverage, nothing pre-existing covered, no existing meds covered, and a plan with unlimited office visits for under $60 per month (family of 6 of course...)

I buy leads like they are going out of style - I compare it to lighting cigars with $100 bills.

It is a struggle to squeak a profit out of high volume individual business but I do enjoy the business. I see nothing but good things for individual business for many years to come as people wake up and realize this is not world war II and employer based health insurance is not sustainable....

So unless Hillary gets elected I will be in this business for many more years to come... :laugh:
Used to run a Portrait Studio in Katy TX, years ago back in '84. Had problems selling larger wall portraits, it seems alot of Oil Executives (imagine that?) live in that area and if they displayed large wall portraits they had to use the status symbol, "Gidding's" portraits only. Their price for a 20x24 back then was around $3,000 I believe? The old man wasn't even no longer in the business and the boys would hire ex-Olan Mill type of photographers but they had their daddies name to put on the pictures. Oh well, did good, sold a lot of 5x7's and 8x10's, not complaining just had to shake my head and say whatever.
TX, why don't you just add some telemarketers and generate your own leads? You would have much more control over the quality and the cost. You would not even need to worry about the DNC list if geared toward small businesses/owners.
TX, why don't you just add some telemarketers and generate your own leads? You would have much more control over the quality and the cost. You would not even need to worry about the DNC list if geared toward small businesses/owners.

It is not our market calling people randomly, since everyone is hourly + commission W2 employees this gets REAL expensive REAL fast. We only do "user initiated" leads - i.e. THEY requested something and we respond.

I was actually just goofing around in my post - in all seriousness individual can be a great market and it is EXTREMELY challenging every day.
Sounds like you have a set up that works. How long have you been in the business? I assume you represent most of the major carriers - do you have a web site?

I know you don't appreciate Ehealth et al. (from a previous post), do your guys push the "Right Start" type of plans. Seems like when an operation grows to the larger level, just getting an app submitted takes priority over plan quality. I am not saying that is how you operate - just curious. Quality control at that point would be a challenge, especially if you bonus your agents for submitts.

Sales Wolf has a successful large operation, I don't know if he records his calls for QA or not.
We represent only quality plans and make proper recommendations based not only on budget but ones pre-ex conditions.

We do not represent Assurant / TIME at this time I feel their policies are inadequate despite the fact I can probably make double commission selling them. They have made some improvements and when the time is right it will be brought back to the table.

Everyone has an opinion on carriers - truth be told none are perfect.
"So unless Hillary gets elected I will be in this business for many more years to come... "

Wow Joe. You said that 7 years ago!!!

I love this statement too!

"We do not represent Assurant / TIME at this time I feel their policies are inadequate despite the fact I can probably make double commission selling them. They have made some improvements and when the time is right it will be brought back to the table."
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