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Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without Ins

Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

Along similar lines, ...

"I probably won't bring my kids to the doctor nearly as often since we won't have any co-pays. Right now I schedule a doctors appointment for any sniffle since it's $15, who cares."

to that end....how many persons take their child or themselves to a doctor for $15 to find out they can get OTC medications. 20 years ago, I was taken to the doctor only when there was something catastrophic that apirin or something a little stronger OTC couldn't fix.

I believe the public has gotten far, far away for taking responsibility for their own health. "let's just go to the dr. it's only $15" absurd!
Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

to that end....how many persons take their child or themselves to a doctor for $15 to find out they can get OTC medications. 20 years ago, I was taken to the doctor only when there was something catastrophic that apirin or something a little stronger OTC couldn't fix.

I believe the public has gotten far, far away for taking responsibility for their own health. "let's just go to the dr. it's only $15" absurd!

I had a woman tell me once that when she was in high school her mom was on an HMO plan that only had a $5 copay for Primary care visits. She said she went to the doctor once and thought he was cute, and periodically faked being sick so she could see him again. After all, it only cost $5, right?
Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

Russia had a grocery store public option. I wonder how that ended up.

Those Russians had a good. A box of saltines goes a long ways in Russia.

I think everyone should get a public option for housing, guarenteeing each person 500 sq feet of living space. Kate Gosselin would be styling.
Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

I think everyone should get a public option for housing, guarenteeing each person 500 sq feet of living space.

I dont think you can find free dollars for that. You might have to tell them that you are bringing in some children from Columbia to start a brothel. Then you would be pretty much good to go I think
Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

I have a slightly different take...She has left the bubble of DC and enter the semi real world (I won't insult you all by saying Mass is the real world) and is only now realizing those words she wrote meant nothing that there was nothing to back them up that politicians say what they want but pass laws that have unintended consequences.

$500 million in fraud waste abuse...screw wating till 2013 lets deal with it today I know with a 1.4 trillion dollar deficiant 500 million is chump change but still if its real lets get it now (Yes I know this is political speak to trick people into thinking healthcare won't cost anything) for 40 years we haven't been able to cut out fraud and abuse but now with yes we can and change we can believe in (did you notice the nobel committee bought that line as well peace prize based on a policitians promises 2 weeks into his term now 8-9 months later and still nothing accomplished).

The only promise kept so far is change we can believe in..because we definatly have change.
Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

a simple clean move to a system like Medicare for All

Silly little yenta is talking out of both sides of her yapper …

On one hand she thinks we should eliminate insurance companies and go to medicare for all …
On the other she doesn’t think universal healthcare like they have in Mass is a good idea …?
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I had a woman tell me once that when she was in high school her mom was on an HMO plan that only had a $5 copay for Primary care visits. She said she went to the doctor once and thought he was cute, and periodically faked being sick so she could see him again. After all, it only cost $5, right?

“Honestly Mrs. Hot to trot, don’t you think a weekly cervical exam is a bit much?
And no, we do not offer sponge baths …”
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Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

This is extremly interesting and also very unfortunate, and I will "digg" the article so everyone can see this. Thank you for writing.
Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

I'm more for grocery copays - $35 and load up the cart.

Watch how many tender loins I get in that cart …
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I think we should petition for copays on tires, brakes and oil changes on our auto coverage. Do you have any idea how much a set of tires costs? (Even the Chinese tires).

Hop Sing can keep his rice beer, I’ll tell ya that much.
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Along similar lines, a phone conversation from yesterday with a teacher taking an extended leave and going from her school's group plan to the real world of insurance ($120/month to $1200 COBRA premium):

"I probably won't bring my kids to the doctor nearly as often since we won't have any co-pays. Right now I schedule a doctors appointment for any sniffle since it's $15, who cares."

Any government option that doesn't allow for co-pays like the mainstream system now will have people up in arms. Can you imagine what kind of waste will take place with high utilization rates due to low co-pays? I can hear Jesse Jackson now, "the government discriminates against poor people by having high co-pays so they can't get the care they need."

If you think about it, the elimination of underwritten plans would probably have a significant negative effect on the quality of the nations health. Let’s face it, a large number of people don’t smoke and at least try to live healthy not only because it’s a good idea, but also to qualify for the less expensive underwritten plans. I know myself, that we have seen people stop smoking, lose weigh, ect. to this end on numerous occasions.
I think it would have a far reaching impact in this regard beyond what has been considered?
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Re: Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without

I remember the sticker shock when I went self-employed from an insurance home office job. More Americans should think about how much medical care really costs. I got a higher deductible.

Some might have to give up Cadillac plans, especially those subsidized by somebody else. I wonder what the premium for her would be on a HDHP. Could she could build an HSA and still save?