Health Sherpa Is Bs . Some Quotes Are Wrong


5000 Post Club
Quoted a guy $431 tonight and wrote it . When it's time for eligibility letter it's $440 . He asked why and I couldn't answer . I called Sherpa . The dude tells me the quote is just a quote and can change on the eligibility. I laughed in his face . What's really going on ? If I can't give accurate quote how can I sell ?
Sherpa is quirky this year in certain counties or certain situations. Don't know why they haven't fixed it yet. Had $6/mo plan for family of 4, jump 700% to $44/mo with no explanation. Told them to call Obama to ask why the huge rate increase.
Sherpa is quirky this year in certain counties or certain situations. Don't know why they haven't fixed it yet. Had $6/mo plan for family of 4, jump 700% to $44/mo with no explanation. Told them to call Obama to ask why the huge rate increase.

Or Republicans since they had 6 years to fix it
That's rich. Its trumps fault that he didn't fix Obama's signature legislation. Got it

I said Republicans, not Trump.

Republicans regained both houses of Congress in 2012 and lost the House in 2018.

They could have fixed the legislation. Repealing was clearly a failure, all 70 times. The Supreme Court, even with Barrett, is likely to uphold the law, even if they remove the individual mandate (which it's been removed since 2017, essentially.)

So, because Obama signed the law, Republicans have no responsibility to correct problems when they arise OR present a better plan for consideration?

I guess politicians don't have to do anything if the other party signs legislation. Your response just shows how much you serve the Party, and the Party isn't serving the people.

Got it.
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Sherpa is quirky this year in certain counties or certain situations. Don't know why they haven't fixed it yet. Had $6/mo plan for family of 4, jump 700% to $44/mo with no explanation. Told them to call Obama to ask why the huge rate increase.

My friend has been selling Obama care 6 yrs and she's a genius . She said it depends on the lowest price plan in the area . So like if anthem low balls a county the rates could sky
My friend has been selling Obama care 6 yrs and she's a genius . She said it depends on the lowest price plan in the area . So like if anthem low balls a county the rates could sky

Only obamacare architects can create a formula that raises prices when more competition comes into the market
I said Republicans, not Trump.

Republicans regained both houses of Congress in 2012 and lost the House in 2018.

They could have fixed the legislation. Repealing was clearly a failure, all 70 times. The Supreme Court, even with Barrett, is likely to uphold the law, even if they remove the individual mandate (which it's been removed since 2017, essentially.)

So, because Obama signed the law, Republicans have no responsibility to correct problems when they arise OR present a better plan for consideration?

I guess politicians don't have to do anything if the other party signs legislation. Your response just shows how much you serve the Party, and the Party isn't serving the people.

Got it.

Remind me again of when repubs had all 3 houses including 60 in the senate? They didn't. Hence no repeal. Just changes around the edges within a majority of 50 in senate. Example, making penalty 0%. And other executive orders like csr funding that had reverse effect and lowered prices by mistake.
Remind me again of when repubs had all 3 houses including 60 in the senate? They didn't. Hence no repeal. Just changes around the edges within a majority of 50 in senate. Example, making penalty 0%. And other executive orders like csr funding that had reverse effect and lowered prices by mistake.

And here's where the ultimate issue is:

You blame Obama.. but Republicans *could* have offered a plan for debate, or fixed it.

The didn't need to have a super majority. Democrats signaled they would support working on fixes, but a straight repeal of the ACA wasn't going to cut it.

Finally John McCain didn't singlehandedly save the ACA, your revisionist history is hilarious. Collins, McCain, and Murkowski all voted against repeal. Furthermore, straight repeal was a last ditch effort.

John McCain just did it with flair.

Furthermore, Congress could have made changes to the ACA under Budget Reconciliation rules, which would have only needed a simple majority.

John McCain said something after the vote, which basically boiled down to the idea that Congress is a deliberative body. Democrats passed the ACA under single party rule, and there are a ton of issues.

However, when Republicans REFUSED to do anything except the their chests. They had 8 years to work bipartisanly and show why they should be in charge. Instead, they failed.

Democrats own introducing the ACA. Republicans own letting people pay more for coverage by not fixing it.
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