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Hello Everyone!

Got a recruiting email from FF today. Video of some nice looking women all claiming to earn $40,000 monthly. None were experienced just jumped right in and started making big bucks. I am sure there are many more not so fortunate women who work there but you didn't see their story. VP's of the company with only months in the business. I want to talk to people with years of experience. Buying 100 leads a week, probably cheap telemarketed leads, and getting 20 appointments from those and selling 8 policies sounds like everyone does the same results. Talk about burn out calling 100 people weekly. They can't generate 100 leads a week here so if you recruit too many agents in an area and then have problems getting enough leads for all of them it will become an issue quickly. The price they say they pay for the lead tells me it is not a quality lead, not even what I would call warm.