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Hello from O.P., KS

So glad I found this forum! Have recommended it to several others.

I am seriously considering a career change to the insurance business. Have looked at several offers to be captive, but feel I would be better suited as an independent agent. I say this because I've been self-employed 3 different times in my life - 2 were fairly successful; one was not.

That being said, I am learning a lot from this forum and learning that I still do not know as much as I need to know.

At the same time I do not want to over-analyze whether to make the move or not. I just want to find a soild, sound pathway into an insurance career. I am fortunate that I have the financial resources to start 100% commissions, but I need/would like to find an agency that would "take me under their wing" to teach me the business of how to sell, prospect and service, etc. The trade-off is they get a percent of what I sell.

I am going to start the process to get my life & health license first, then add P&C shortly thereafter.

Any suggestions or advice from any of you career pros? Am I on a viable train of thought?
