• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

Hello from Southern California

Hello everyone,

I am Mike from Los Angeles. I am new to this forum. I just found it a couple days ago, actually. I have a business that focuses on MA Plans, along with financial planning products. My company represents all carriers as an FMO and is beginning a training program for those who are looking to become General Agencies, and eventually FMO. I look forward to sharing, learning, and growing with all of you.
I am up front and honest, so I will qualify the above statement. There are three groups of people that we grow with and who grow with us. The first group are successful GA looking for a better contract with an FMO. We offer competitive contracts and we are licensed in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Florida. The GA in this group are offered immediate release upon request.

The second group have their own GA, but they need both a better GA contract with an FMO, and some guidence/direction and mentoring to help them grow. For these people, since we have introduced them into our relationships with IPA and clinics, as well as spent all the resources to help them grow, we will offer an immediate release upon request, but we would prefer the courtesy of a 30 day notice in writing.

The third group are agents who want to open their own GA, but they are worried about quotas, production numbers, number of agents...etc. Or they just want to learn how to open a GA. We have a training program that offers a Jr. GA contract so that they start getting overrides, and when they graduate the program, they get their full GA contract. Through the program they will have already learned how to start the business, get it licensed as an entity, build and train a team...etc. We ask those who come through the program to give us 90 days written notice before release, but we will grant an immediate release if they want one. We are never going to do anything unethical or distasteful.
Hello everyone,

I am Mike from Los Angeles. I am new to this forum. I just found it a couple days ago, actually. I have a business that focuses on MA Plans, along with financial planning products. My company represents all carriers as an FMO and is beginning a training program for those who are looking to become General Agencies, and eventually FMO. I look forward to sharing, learning, and growing with all of you.

FMO's are generally good for one thing... training (I will also add leads), but as always these have limited life once someone becomes well rounded and is moving forward. Low comp rates are also a real thing with many FMO's, been there and done that myself.

Reception here for things like that often becomes rather cool and with good reason. However, this is a good place to learn... but your agents if they make it this far will also learn.
Yeah, I agree with you hawk. We see ourselves as a stepping stone, and support agents to go out on their own and flourish. I also encourage all our agencies and agents to read for 30 minutes per day in our field (at a place like this). Your comment seemed a little back-handed at the end there, but I appreciate it. I want everyone on our team to be as knowledgeable as possible in all aspects of the industry. Don't worry, I am not going to be spamming or shamelessly self promoting or recruiting here. I'll be mostly reading.
Yeah, I agree with you hawk. We see ourselves as a stepping stone, and support agents to go out on their own and flourish. I also encourage all our agencies and agents to read for 30 minutes per day in our field (at a place like this). Your comment seemed a little back-handed at the end there, but I appreciate it. I want everyone on our team to be as knowledgeable as possible in all aspects of the industry. Don't worry, I am not going to be spamming or shamelessly self promoting or recruiting here. I'll be mostly reading.
Do you promise? ;)