Toto says hi, too!
Well, I feel like a kid again. Retired in 2000 only to wake up one morning and it smelled like my retirement was running dry. So back to work, hence the handle "retread".
Like John Petrowski, I joined the military right out of high school. But back then, the commies were building the Berlin Wall, so I joined the Navy to help save the world, or to see the world, I can't remember. Signed up to go into submarines, so they sent me to flight school. Really wanted to fly anyway (this is a good sea story... too long to go into it now!)
After my stint flying off carriers, I joined the airlines. TWA that is...., you know, the up and down airline that went down for the last time just a year after I retired. Well, to make a long story longer, down went my pension, my ESOP, and retirement funds, aided along with the mess on wall street (bunch of crooks! send 'em all to jail!)
Where was I? OH... so after a long deliberation, and considering that no one wants to hire an old used up pilot, I decided to sell insurance. Got my license for KS and MO January ('07) and chose to serve the senior market (I R 1!)
Did a lot of other things that didn't pay, like amateur racing,
building computers, etc.
(They say there is no money in amateur racing, but I know there is.... I PUT IT THERE!) 

Well, I feel like a kid again. Retired in 2000 only to wake up one morning and it smelled like my retirement was running dry. So back to work, hence the handle "retread".

Like John Petrowski, I joined the military right out of high school. But back then, the commies were building the Berlin Wall, so I joined the Navy to help save the world, or to see the world, I can't remember. Signed up to go into submarines, so they sent me to flight school. Really wanted to fly anyway (this is a good sea story... too long to go into it now!)

After my stint flying off carriers, I joined the airlines. TWA that is...., you know, the up and down airline that went down for the last time just a year after I retired. Well, to make a long story longer, down went my pension, my ESOP, and retirement funds, aided along with the mess on wall street (bunch of crooks! send 'em all to jail!)

Where was I? OH... so after a long deliberation, and considering that no one wants to hire an old used up pilot, I decided to sell insurance. Got my license for KS and MO January ('07) and chose to serve the senior market (I R 1!)

Did a lot of other things that didn't pay, like amateur racing,