Hi from Missouri

Welcome. I'll bet we are almost neighbors. I'm in Fulton.

I think there are about 5 of us from Missouri on here now.

What products do you sell?
Thanks guys! Frank, you're right about being close. I live in Columbia. I sell auto. I want to get into life or health. What products do you sell?
Frank I haeard Missouri in that seniors can change thier med supps on their anniversay date with no health questions. That is awful.

Yep, 30 days prior to the anniversary date of their policy they have guaranteed issue. The only catch is that they have to take a like policy. They can't switch from say an F to a D.

It sounds great but it really sucks for seniors in the long run. Some agents go looking for that business. They will take a chronically ill person and put them in a real good company who has been trying to keep premiums down by stiff underwriting questions on the app and start putting sick people with them.

Premiums are based on claims. Lots of sick people generate lots of claims. That causes premiums to increase.

Calif. has a similar law only their guar. issue is on the persons birthday.
Thanks guys! Frank, you're right about being close. I live in Columbia. I sell auto. I want to get into life or health. What products do you sell?

It's a great market, I love it. Mostly Med Supp right now. I use to also sell Long Term Care and a little life.

My phone number is at the bottom. Give me a call sometime.
Armydad -

You are smack in the middle of Frank and me (I am in the Kansas City Metro).

Welcome to the board!

Like Frank, I too am in the senior market. I am starting to focus more on the life side, final expense and SPWL (single premium whole life).

Hope that we can help.