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Home insurance claim question


I had a water loss in my basement where there is an additional kitchen. All the kitchen cabinets, refrigerator and stove were thrown out due to the dirty water contamination. Also loss quite a bit of walls. Long story short, the claim ended up being $18,000. Here is my question. Can i rebuild this kitchen in an entirely different area of the house, such as on the first floor? I just think this money would be much better spent if I could build a new kitchen upstairs on the main level as the one upstairs is old and busted and non-functional. The basement has some humidity issues that need to be addressed and I am not sure if it makes sense to build a brand new kitchen down there. The one that was loss was old and have been built by the previous owners.
Thanks in advance
Did you receive the check? Understand that if you rebuild in a place other than where the home was damaged you will only have the Claim amount to pay for the rebuild and that there would be no way you could receive additional funds because of missed damage. Your money, you get to spend it
So you would end up having two kitchens on one floor?

No the kitchen I have now is not much of a kitchen at all. It's a very small space, something like a galley kitchen but much smaller. It has an open wall to a connected room so it's just terrible. All I would need to do is throw out the non-working stove and move the refrigerator. I would turn this tiny "kitchen" into a laundry room by just closing the wall off and adding in the right appliances.
Did you receive the check? Understand that if you rebuild in a place other than where the home was damaged you will only have the Claim amount to pay for the rebuild and that there would be no way you could receive additional funds because of missed damage. Your money, you get to spend it
Yes they made it out to me and mortgage company. Do you think I can fight them on this and try to get it changed so it's made out to me only?
Yes they made it out to me and mortgage company. Do you think I can fight them on this and try to get it changed so it's made out to me only?
No, because you have a mortgage and you will have to have the mortgage company sign off on the check which means the mortgage company COULD require you to return the kitchen to where it currently stands. Your best bet is to contact them, send copies of what you intend to do as far as the rebuild, and then follow their direction. The bank could worry about what I already posted. You have no recourse if there would have been additional damage covered by the repair
I just needed it. Thanks for sharing. In general, since I bought the new house I didn't know about many things and I was lucky that there are special companies that deal with each field and I could call for any questions or help. For example, in the beginning, after the repairs, there was a lot of dirt and I understood that I would not be able to do it on my own and I came across this company niftytilecleaning.com.au which offers cleaning services so they helped me make the house shiny, having appliances and professional cleaners.
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