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How About A Lie Detector Test?

Here's another thought.. It may not be anyone at all. Could be someone at the Times said "We've already been called fake news, let's give them some real fake news"

Now that make a lot more sense, but I'm sure that packed in there among all the lies is a word of truth now and again. I bet they got the address of the White House correct. That's something any fool can look up.
Nice to see the first lady taking a hard swing at the chicken shiite:

Melania Calls NYT Op-Ed Writer ‘Cowardly,’ Blasts Anonymous Sources

which quotes her saying:

“Unidentified sources have become the majority of the voices people hear about in today’s news. People with no names are writing our nation’s history. If a person is bold enough to accuse people of negative actions, they have a responsibility to publicly stand by their words and people have a right to defend themselves,”​

She is right on the money.