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How Credible is Online Health Insurance Quote

Well duh!

My point is, if you are taking Prozac you still have the condition. Doesn't matter how long you have been on psych meds.

I can see already you are going to be a real challenge. Buh-bye.

"well duh!" What are you, 18?

My point is, you aren't even close to a doctor, if you were, you'd know that Prozac isn't a primary anxiety medication. My doctor agrees I no longer have anxiety, says I should continue taking Prozac because my body has become used to it. If you'd like to challenge a medical doctor, feel free. Your job isn't to analyze my health history, it is to fill out paperwork and try to get your commission.

For someone who deals with customers on a daily basis you sure are an a-hole. buh-bye

And even if I WAS a challenge (which I'm not) isn't that your job since your income depends on it? Maybe you should be a collection agent instead.
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While I'm in CA I made the decision to no longer work with health insurance.

However, I strongly recommend you contact Dave Fluker, he is about as good as it gets.

Give him a call.


Thank you, much appreciated.
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Anyone else wonder why the geniuses at eHealth have a 75% declination rate? ha ha ha! what an infinitely flawed concept.

I am in NO way an expert or even close to one, but I seem to remember the denial letter had an Anthem Logo at the top of the letter. For all I know eHealth could of denied me directly and just put their logo at the top since that is whom I was applying for.
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"well duh!" What are you, 18?

My point is, you aren't even close to a doctor, if you were, you'd know that Prozac isn't an anxiety medication. Your job isn't to analyze my health history, it is to fill out paperwork and try to get your commission.

For someone who deals with customers on a daily basis you sure are an a-hole. buh-bye

And even if I WAS a challenge (which I'm not) isn't that your job since your income depends on it? Maybe you should be a collection agent instead.

Actually, our job is to analyze your health history, then recommend a company, and then a specific type of plan at that company, based on that health history. This is the value of an agent, until the exchanges open in 2014. Then it will be to analyze your 1040 tax form, and then your meds. And, don't be so quick to judge, most agents on this board are thinking the same thing.....you're hiding something, and we can't give you an answer based on the info you've provided. And yes, most of us could qualify as quasi-doctors considering we know most of the meds these legalized drug dealers prescribe. Move on....go to vimo.com and only 1 qualified agent in CA will call you. 2 if you're bi-polar.
Underwriting has changed a lot with Anthem since 2009. Give me a call or e-mail [email protected] tomorrow afternoon (I'll be in a Blue Shield 'entertainment' session in the morning) if you like. Contact information is on my web site below.
It would be nice if someone stepped forward, I could use the help.

Your diabetic reference can not compare to my situation. Diabetes is a physical condition, GAD is a mental condition. I've been taking prozac since I was 12, and until two years ago, was treated for GAD. Mental illnesses can be repaired which is what happened in my case. I got help for it and my anxiety is no longer there. I believe this because I no longer feel anxiety, and because I haven't seen a doctor for it in almost 2 years.

I didn't casually mention my BMI, I mentioned it as a fact, and one that was a backup reason for the denial. You saying it would be appropriate for a 6'9 has absolutely no relevance to my situation unless you were just trying to be harsh on me. I'm 6'1.

My reason for writing was not to have someone question my pre-existings, it was to ask whether applying to a different carrier prior to the 2 year mark could hurt my chances, whether I should just wait until March 14, which is the date where I have been treatment and symptom free for 2 years, or whether it would be ok to apply now to anyone, and if I get denied, just try again at the tow year mark.

Anyone who would like to help me with this can feel free to post here or leave their email, I'm in California and if possible would love to get insurance ASAP.

Your like 25 years old... i would have hung up on ya... typical, "there is nothing wrong with me" .... Call Obama. he cut our commissions so most wont give ya 1 second for a 100$ app. And on top of that that person will get yappy with me... not worth it... Bye bye.... Click
Anthem isn't the only player in the game. Sometimes just because one carrier declines you doesn't mean all the others will as well.

Just FYI, generally in CA if Anthem BC declines IFP it's a dead duck with all other carriers. I've never had an Anthem decline issued by any other carrier out here.

I have had declines by others issued by Anthem at level 1 within 48 hours (online app) and then re-run prescreen back to the 'other' carrier off the Anthem app--still a decline.
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Your like 25 years old... i would have hung up on ya... typical, "there is nothing wrong with me" .... Call Obama. he cut our commissions so most wont give ya 1 second for a 100$ app. And on top of that that person will get yappy with me... not worth it... Bye bye.... Click

omg, that is classic...we got to put that on a t-shirt.