How do you choose to write for?

Ok all you old pros I have a question. I have noticed good things and bad things about different insurance companies. You who have been around for a while know what to look for. Please give us rookies some advice on what to look for as far as whom to sell or place our license with. i would love to get guidance on this.
Hmmmm. Well, first of all, I would definitely add to your portfolio of "Farm and Ranch."

It really depends on what markets you are going to attempt to penetrate and how competitive the companies are in that particular market.

In addition, will you be full-time or will Church duties eat into your working hours.

And of to an experienced LOCAL broker. He/she will be able to offer sound advice regarding the competition. etc...
Well another question and consider I am a rookie and a virgin at this. Can I place my lic. with more than one company. Like I am signed with Farm and Ranch so can I sign with someone else to, that sounds wierd... Please help me understand.......arrrgghhh!!!!!!!!

As far as church duties it is a small church and I will work it all out. RIght now I work a 50 hour job plus the church now I will do all three temporay while I get trained and learn my product, sell some and pay off bills so on lean months I won't have to worry.

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