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How should I contact my leads that I purchased?

As far as contacting those internet leads, you just call them. And shoot an email. My experience with 100s of free or co-oped by FMO "exclusive" internet leads, I cant remember a time anyone emailed me back. And I wrote a total of 6 from what I remember from calling them. At first I was paying for half the amount they cost, then ending up getting a bunch for free. Today I wouldn't work them if they were free. If that's all any agent banked on they would end up SOL.

There's lots of info on here about those leads. Listen to the majority. It's all true.
Ive used those leads before. It should have a DOB on that lead too.

Hey Mary! This is John, Im just getting back to you regarding the request you sent in for more information on the upcoming changes to Medicare in 2024. To verify the call you listed your address as XYZ correct? And your phone number as XYZ correct? Ok great. I see you're turning 65 here in December right? Ok great, are you still working or are you retired?

Then just continue with the call. Note you'll need to add the compliance part.
All leads are cold until you contact them.

Even folks who filled out a BRC have forgotten it a few hours later . . . especially if they mailed 6 more cards the same day. Every mailer talks about offering the lowest rates. They sound like Charlie Brown's teacher . . . blah, blah, blah

Agents are trained to call as soon as the lead comes in, especially the internet leads. It is almost impossible to be the first one they talk to so you need to come up with a way to be different . . . and that is what I do.

I warm them up with a few emails . . . and then call. No answer? I leave a message but I only call once. However I do drip emails every few days. After a few weeks and I have not heard from them, I send my "Closing your file" email.

You might be surprised at the number of people who call after getting that email and they are usually apologetic for not responding sooner.

And then they buy . . .
I would delete those leads and then get set up with an organization that would offer you free Medicare direct mail.

How you working your direct mail mapd come oct1 ? You recording the appt calls ? You door knocking them ? How you handling the 48 hr soa scope ?