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How to Handle Online Purshased P&C Leads

Wassim Homsi

New Member
Hi, i wonderig if any have idea on the best way to close more leads. we get leads online through online source and the same leads are sold to tons of insurance agents in the area and abroad. 99% of time imposible to reach them by telephone i can only leave a mesage and 99% never hear back again. i need a short script to use to leave a message that will get them calling me back instead of me calling them 100 times. also a script to follow up by email. any examples is greatly thank you.
Noticed nobody has replied yet. Real-time leads are TOUGH if you're either 1) not the first few people to call or 2) not really good on the phone. Getting callbacks is even harder. A couple of points to possibly include that would get my attention as a P&C consumer:

-I'm XYZ with your "local" X agency.
-We've not experienced a rate increase in X months.
-Other providers have had a ___% rate increase this year where we have had a modest (lower) % rate increase.
-Most people don't understand their policy coverages and if they did would be more aware of savings available to them... we could educate you and review at no cost.

These are just points that as a consumer "might" get my attention. Service may be assumed at any company and seems price is the biggest selling point. Maybe this will help some...
I've had been using internet leads (auto mostly) for 9.5 years and I'm here to tell you they are a DEAD source- find another way at this point. Loser after loser and recycled leads. Most of them can't afford to pay attention let alone purchase insurance. The typical response we get day after day is "oh, I was just trying to win a gift card" or I clicked an ad that said I can have insurance for $9"... they are a complete scam now - and expensive. Its a shame too; I built a nice agency on leads but its almost impossible to do any longer.

With that said; if you still want to go that way here is what gets the best results:

Call and dont leave a message- you'll get a ton of calls back from the caller ID; people wanting to know who called them. The call usually goes one of two ways:

1. They just hang up when you answer and they know its an insurance call.

2. They call and say "yeah, you just called?" and you can try to sell the quote from that point.

Years ago we not only would leave a message but got a number of return calls. Also; if you do happen to get someone on the phone DON'T HANG UP UNTIL YOUR QUOTE IS DONE. Chances of you every getting them on the phone again are slim...you have a better chance of hitting the lottery.

Honestly; we've had better luck cold calling in the past couple of years - homes may have a bit better penetration but dont expect a lot.