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how to keep homeowners policy as executor

Just Reddit? Your missing the other 10 or 15 forums. You'd be hard-pressed to find a corner of the internet that I haven't looked for help. Just like I have called every company, agency, government office, county, state, neighbor, legal forums, insurance forums, talking to the State Dept of Insurance Consumer Advocate 4 times in the last 72 hours. Yeah, if there had been agreement on the advice from any or all of those - then I wouldn't still be trying. The problem is that everyone has had different suggestions. When you've gone through the last 7 days, last 6 months, last 3 years and last 15 years that I've gone through - then you can lecture me about who to trust and who to believe. Ever hear of sample size? Why would I not want to increase that?
For anyone who is curious:

And if you want to save some time and want to see some of the many answers advising NOT to pay the premium, well here you go:

"the current policy is void, named insured is deceased"

"Insurance policy is a contract between 2 parties, the insurance company and the named insured. If the named insured changes, the contract/policy needs to be reissued"

"No, the property will not be covered"

"The insurance contract was with the dad. When dad passed away, the contract was terminated"
Why didn't you post the link where you got answers from actual insurance agents?

No such thing as "sample size" asking random people on the internet for help.

You should be vetting agents to find someone who you trust, not asking how to solve all of this yourself. It would be much more productive.

Probate can be an absolute bitch (I was the executor to my parents) and I found an attorney who I trusted to help me with all of this stuff.

I understand that you're overwhelmed, but asking the same question over and over isn't going to get you very far.

Shoot, just call a carrier 5 times and ask a complex question. You'll probably get several different answers.

You need to be asking for referrals to professionals, not random responses from people who don't know the whole situation.

Good luck, I hope this works out for you.
Since Monday morning, I have been on the phone continuously. I literally have not had a spare minute between 9am and 5pm for all 5 days this week. I think I haven't conveyed adequately the dire nature of the situation. First - I contacted the agent on the policy for the house and my father back in March. I assumed that they *DID* know the specifics of the unique situation. I thought they were getting paid to provide the correct, professional advice. I asked what information they needed and when they needed it and what they needed me to do. I did what they asked and gave them the documents they asked for within 30 minutes of their written request. I was told in writing that they would take care of it. I went from late March until last Friday at 430pm thinking that I had done what was required, and that the insurance agent who had the responsibility to do what she said she would - actually did that. This is not a probate problem. This is not a legal problem. This is not an uncommon problem. People die. House ownership does not change instantaneously the moment someone dies. Surely, this is an extremely simple every day thing that any professional insurance agent would be able to get accomplished. When the agent did not provide evidence that she had done what she said would be done, I contacted the company. When the company did not provide me assistance, I contacted the State. Those entities cannot or will not solve the problem by the deadline that I am facing.
Perhaps insurance agents have enough cash sitting around that they can toss someone a $6,000 check and not bat an eye. I do not have enough money to give that premium to the "current" insurance company, then find out after everyone gets back to work after the holiday weekend next Wednesday that it is in some black hole and will stay there for months. I won't be able to go into a new agent's office next week and have them say they can help - but I'll need to pay a load of money - because I won't have any left. On top of that, even if the "current" insurance company decides to return the money by sending a check to my father, it won't do me any good. The check is coming from my account, in my name and any check to my father will be worthless to me for months.
I can tell you've never been homeless. As if the above crisis isn't enough stress and enough to worry about, I cannot keep this house and the contents in it heading into a hurricane season in Florida with no insurance coverage. I don't have any other place to live and no other place to put the mountain of a century's worth of my father's belongings - so all of that will be lost and hauled away in a dumpster because of this insurance disaster.
The situation is simple. My father's house was insured. His name is on the current policy. He died. I am inheriting the property. I am also the executor. I have his death certificate and the will showing that that is the case. I also have proof that I have lived in this house since March of 2021 and have provided it as well. Thus, the title of this thread : How can I keep the coverage on this house as the executor until such time as the court provides the required documents to have the name on the deed changed in a few months?
If the agent or the company - at any time from the time I contacted them in March up until recently - had told me in order to do what was required, I would need to provide them court documents, letters of administration, something from the county, etc......*OR* they had told me that I needed to see an attorney - I would have done it. I asked in writing so that I would have it in writing. This is literally cut and pasted from the agent's email back in April:

"The only thing we will need is the Death Certificate and something listing you as the executer."

And this is literally cut and paste from the agent's email after I sent her those documents minutes later:

"Thank you for these two documents. I will work on making sure you are listed on the policy"
Did you pay the premium YET? All the handwriting and you have not said if you paid the premium. Regardless of what the future may hold either the premium gets paid and the house is insured or you continue to struggle with what to do and the policy lapses. PAY THE PREMIUM!