Howdy from SC



My name is Will Price. I'm from South Carolina, and have been in the insurance industry for about two years. I started out with United American and went to worse with NAA staying for about 6 months before I headed to Monumental Life. Last March I went and recieved my P&C License. Primarily because I needed a fire license in order to sell Monumental's contents insurance. Recently I've started looking forward to switching to a P&C company full time and selling life as an add on product. If I don't get on with one of the agency's around here I plan on going to sub standard homeowners insurance company, Foremost, to get contracted, or work simply individual health and life as an adder.

I was actually given this site from Insuranceman via Yahoo questions. I would be completely green concerning selling independently and will likely have lots and lots of questions.

Hello Will;

I'm in SC too... welcome. Feel free to contact me if I can be of any help.

Alright SC! I am in Greenville and I am going to receive my license (hopefully:biggrin: ) IN the next couple of weeks! Welcome all!