I need advice. I have a disorder, a disorder of disorganization.


Super Genius
So I have about 8 million premium now. I have a mgmt software CRM (Xanatek) and now have 6 employees. How do I keep track of all this! I tried doing AL3 downloads but it only pulled 40% of the policies from the carrier and I didn't like how it worked. Also, since my book is 90% real estate essentially everything is based around the building address. I have about 10,000+ buildings I insure each with an address. Does anyone know what I should do? The insurance world isn't designed for addresses. Now when people are calling my employees asking about addresses but there is no way to know what carrier, what policy has it insured. Even if AL3 downloads works it doesn't pull the location address into my MGMT system. Plus on top of that I have a lot of E/S policies, specialty program business with MGAs and RPGs that are super low tech. Should Invest money into developing my own software? What do you guys think? I don't know if you guys picked up on this but I have autistic levels of ADHD so daily organization isn't my strong suit but creating systems and processes and running a business are but I know nothing about software. If any of you are in the software business I would be open to hiring on a contract basis to help me design something. THANK YOU
Your agency management system should be able to do all of this but you can't count on a download to keep things organized. None of the E&S stuff will download etc. Your staff needs to keep things nice and clean. You can hire a WAHVE to perform the bulk intitial set up (they are very understaffed so good luck with them). Large agencies have staff solely dedicated to keeping an AMS polished. Bummer part of owning an insurance agency but it pays dividends (rewrites, book rolls, agency sale, etc).
Your agency management system should be able to do all of this but you can't count on a download to keep things organized.
Totally Agree

8 million premium now. I have a mgmt software CRM (Xanatek) and now have 6 employees.
Dont take this the wrong way - but with that much going on - you are no longer an agent but a Manager.

Now when people are calling my employees asking about addresses but there is no way to know what carrier, what policy has it insured.
I think either your AMS is not being used correctly, you are missin the search funciton on it, or... things are just messed up.

if you guys picked up on this but I have autistic levels of ADHD
Its helpful to just admit it

Have you evern considered just hiring someone whose full time job is to get SH1t organized over there? They may not even need to be an agent. Best of Luck
Read "Traction" EOS System (Youtube it First)

"What got you here (8m and 6 employees), won't get you there (12m and 8 employees)!

Something has to change.

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