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Thoughts about selling medicare supplements?

Anybody heard of Healthmarkets insurance Agency? If so what are your thoughts of them? Also is selling medicare supplements something to look into, it seems like a way to make a few extra bucks?
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Re: Thoughts about selling medicare supplements?

Anybody heard of Healthmarkets insurance Agency? If so what are your thoughts of them? Also is selling medicare supplements something to look into, it seems like a way to make a few extra bucks?

It's all about perspective!

How long have you been licensed, what market are you mainly working now, are you looking for a job, are you looking for a career, do you want to be independent, do you want to be a captive agent?????
I've been doing this for a year, with a IMO and dealing with mostly older people above the age of 55(not necessarily doing Final Expense). Wanting to make this into a career. Thinking it might be a good idea to offer my existing clients another product.

I'm not a captive agent, so is it a good idea to sell supplements to people I already sold life insurance too?
I've been doing this for a year, with a IMO and dealing with mostly older people above the age of 55(not necessarily doing Final Expense). Wanting to make this into a career. Thinking it might be a good idea to offer my existing clients another product. I'm not a captive agent, so is it a good idea to sell supplements to people I already sold life insurance too?

Yes. They are all buying Medicare Supplements or Advantage plans from someone.