Important Notice Regarding Underwriting UNITED HEALTH

I called them after receiving the email. Conditions that might have been ridered in the past will either be rated up or declined. Look for many of the past ridered conditions to become denials. No "current" plans for rate increases. I asked about the GI situation and they told me there crystal ball was broken and they couldn't predict the future, they would only talk about the current. Thought they were being a little smart -ss about things but I do understand none of the regs are finalized. I didn't come away from the conversation with a pleasant feeling.
If everyone does GI the adverse selection risk goes way down and prices go way up. If they still have pre ex waiting periods for gaps in coverage rates will be high but workable.

Either way child rates are going way up and with no GI or waivers you will see a lot of silly declines. All of which is more ammunition for the left when little Johnny gets declined for seasonal allergies.
Although children are generally more healthy than adults, when they get sick it is usually very expensive. Children's rates will be more impacted by GI than adults. I would not be surprised to see children's rates triple, possibly more.

This is a pre-cursor to what will happen on adults and trigger a backlash against full implementation of Obamacare.

Rand Paul is the projected winner in KY, beating out Trey Grayson who was endorsed by Mitch McConnell.

With 40% of the vote in, Specter is beginning to fade and Toomey has almost as many votes as Specter on the Republican side.

Taking back America has started.