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Has anyone around here used this place?

Unlimited Sales Leads & Mailing Lists | infofree.com

I've used salesgenie for years, and they claim to be part of the whole info USA operation.

They're significantly cheaper than salesgenie, and the web site gives me a sales-y vibe (much like the snake oil peddlers that sell pre set annuity appointments etc.)

So, if anyone has experience, what am I giving up with them that I'd have with salesgenie?

The one thing I've noticed is salesgenie claims to scrub for do not call and they don't, doesn't really matter because I use this all for DM and I don't call.
I get that you want to get data at the lowest possibel cost, but since Josh has great data at a very reasonable price, why bother?

I think he's around $40 per thousand (but not sure). How important is accurate data when you pay for mailings? Bad addresses and the mailing/supply expenses (and time spent) may cost you more than the price of data.

Why wouldn't you want to best data at a reasonable cost?

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I think someone else had sent that over to me once upon a time and I'm not sure what their angle is. My suspicion is they are "buying" business with low pricing (it does say "introductory price") and hoping to charge more in the future as it looks like they are a relatively new company. The other thing about it is that generally these unlimited or significantly inexpensive databases do have accuracy issues, even with SalesGenie. That's been my experience and it jives with what folks have told me. One other thing I find suspect is they have "free" in the title, but it's definitely a pay service.

None of the above might matter and it might be a great offer with great data, but those would be my thoughts based on my experience both as a consumer and as a reseller.
We can talk, I'm not set on anything just yet. Found them the other day and figured I'd check for anyone who had experience with them.

I'm looking for a data source for a DM campaign that I've run.
If you want to e-mail me what you're looking for I can run a count.

Another thing you'll want to check on is whether or not they can do an NCOA scrub. What that will do is adjust for anyone who has changed their address which isn't going to amount to a ton, but it's something worth asking about.

Out of curiosity I signed up for their free trial (24 hour free trial takes no CC, might as well take it for a test drive) and here are a few things I noticed:

First, in their terms and conditions they don't claim to have scrubbed the consumer records: http://www.infofree.com/rsrc/docs/termsandconditions.pdf , but I think you already pointed that out.

When I went to run a statewide count, they said that I should visit their sister site (Pricing, Money Back Guarantee- Database101.com) to run that count and as you'l see, they have the pricing on their records there which is much more realistic.

After running the counts, it looks like it's doing the same thing that SalesGenie does because when I went to download them (using a very user friendly search system) during my free trial it brought up a screen
saying that I had to upgrade to a package to download the leads (which is fair), but it said that when I upgraded I would be able to do the following:

Unlimited Business Credit Reports
Unlimited Searched
Download in CSV format
Print Mailing Labels & Call Lists

You'll notice it doesn't say I can download unlimited leads, just that I have unlimited searches. I wonder if that was just an oversight or part of their business plan. Either way, it's definitely an interesting option. If anyone has used it I'd be curious to know what limit (if any) there is on the amount of records that can be downloaded.
When I went to run a statewide count, they said that I should visit their sister site (Pricing, Money Back Guarantee- Database101.com) to run that count and as you'l see, they have the pricing on their records there which is much more realistic.

This is something else that I discovered while playing around on the web site. There was no shortage in supply of additional services at other web sites.

I'll email you, soon.
Salegenie is actually cheaper than most people realize. They can go much lower than what they typically offer. Call salesgenie and tell them what the competitor's price is and they will often beat it.
Salegenie is actually cheaper than most people realize. They can go much lower than what they typically offer. Call salesgenie and tell them what the competitor's price is and they will often beat it.

Do you have quotes they've sent you?

This is what the most recent price check we did found:

Pricing | Welcome to LeadsFinderPro.com!

I've seen them get cheaper, but that's usually with a 12 or 6 month commitment so the cost per record is still relatively high.
Has anyone around here used this place?

Unlimited Sales Leads & Mailing Lists | infofree.com

I've used salesgenie for years, and they claim to be part of the whole info USA operation.

They're significantly cheaper than salesgenie, and the web site gives me a sales-y vibe (much like the snake oil peddlers that sell pre set annuity appointments etc.)

So, if anyone has experience, what am I giving up with them that I'd have with salesgenie?

The one thing I've noticed is salesgenie claims to scrub for do not call and they don't, doesn't really matter because I use this all for DM and I don't call.

infofree scrubs for Do Not Call... I printed out a list the other day and it listed everyone's phone numbers and the ones that were on the DNC were noted.. You can get the membership for $24.95 by going through one of the IMOs website.. Mark's I think...
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If you want to e-mail me what you're looking for I can run a count.

Another thing you'll want to check on is whether or not they can do an NCOA scrub. What that will do is adjust for anyone who has changed their address which isn't going to amount to a ton, but it's something worth asking about.

Out of curiosity I signed up for their free trial (24 hour free trial takes no CC, might as well take it for a test drive) and here are a few things I noticed:

First, in their terms and conditions they don't claim to have scrubbed the consumer records: http://www.infofree.com/rsrc/docs/termsandconditions.pdf , but I think you already pointed that out.

When I went to run a statewide count, they said that I should visit their sister site (Pricing, Money Back Guarantee- Database101.com) to run that count and as you'l see, they have the pricing on their records there which is much more realistic.

After running the counts, it looks like it's doing the same thing that SalesGenie does because when I went to download them (using a very user friendly search system) during my free trial it brought up a screen
saying that I had to upgrade to a package to download the leads (which is fair), but it said that when I upgraded I would be able to do the following:

Unlimited Business Credit Reports
Unlimited Searched
Download in CSV format
Print Mailing Labels & Call Lists

You'll notice it doesn't say I can download unlimited leads, just that I have unlimited searches. I wonder if that was just an oversight or part of their business plan. Either way, it's definitely an interesting option. If anyone has used it I'd be curious to know what limit (if any) there is on the amount of records that can be downloaded.

The unlimited searches might be what you would refer to as unlimited leads since it is a list of names meeting your filters.. It is not actually a lead where someone has requested info.
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That's what "confuses" me too. Some people call a list a lead.

A lead is not a list........or is it? If it is, a phone book is a lead source.