Info on Health Solutions Team & Health Markets???

Hi everybody! :) I'm a newbie and trying to go w/ a great company where I can sell both "Life & Health" Insurance to my clients. What do you all know about Health Solutions Team? All of the reviews I've read are pretty good. I've read some reviews on Health Markets BUT they were mixed. Your help is greatly appreciated. :)
Thanx a lot!
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Hi everybody! :) I'm a newbie and trying to go w/ a great company where I can sell both "Life & Health" Insurance to my clients. What do you all know about Health Solutions Team? All of the reviews I've read are pretty good. I've read some reviews on Health Markets BUT they were mixed. Your help is greatly appreciated. :)
Thanx a lot!

I take it as a bad sign if not tasteless when a company has as 1 of its 3 links on its homepage "join the team", sure sign of an Marketing organiziaition. Health, dental quotes, and btw, you to can.. really?

As far as Health Markets, what a bunch of bs. Anytime they show you a slide with how much the average agent makes per sale based on multiple products, but cant give you a straight answer on the commission rates specific you will receive, in other words a blanket catch all phrase like around 20% isnt an answer,. You should be able to rattle if commission %'s like the back of your hand for each specific category, its that b&w. Then they want you to pay for a background check, before they have even met you, and they want to look at all your contracts you have with other carriers, they want you to bring the contracts in so they can look at them. After 20 years that is a first for me. Wtf is that? And all that after only talking to them once so far, what will they be wanting from me 6 months from now. To pay to use their toilet paper in the office?