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Is It October 15th or Not?

Technically a prospect can fill out an app anytime during the year. Getting it to go through is another story all together though. :)

If you have a (as in one) prospect send it an app early, no harm. If you have a handful sent in early, might raise a red flag with the carrier.

I would not advice a room full of agents to offer to start helping clients fill out apps prior to Oct 15th. You know there are a couple who thought they will just start selling Oct 1st and start bending rules.

Here is why I would not cross that line: The carrier has the right to suspend the agent's ability to write business while they investigate any potential violations. Even if you come out clean, how long would the process take? A week, 3 weeks? Who knows. Do you want to chance that? Personally, I would not. Set an appointment to go back after the 15th.

Last time I had pre-filled out apps with clients, I had a couple come in early, even though they were advised not to mail them in until Oct 15th. It was a non issue but that was a couple years ago. CMS is not getting any more agent friendly...
During October 1-14, I spend my time finding new clients, lots of them. I help them fill out the app, put it in an envelope and call all of them on the 15th to remind them to drop it in the mail and to remind them of the verification call.

I'm not risking anything and increase my income by $5-$7k by getting that out of the way. Then I can focus on my existing clients, my churches and gyms I service as well as the senior centers. That takes up my whole AEP.
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You cannot "help" them fill out the app before the 15th.


Anthem used to tell us at agent training meetings; "The act of an agent putting a pen to paper including the agent section is considered helping and they would consider it a violation". Seems there are all kinds of interpretations out their.

Anthem used to tell us at agent training meetings; "The act of an agent putting a pen to paper including the agent section is considered helping and they would consider it a violation". Seems there are all kinds of interpretations out their.

Soooooo not true. We had one company encouraging to fill out the agent section and leave apps with clients. How do you think seminars work starting Oct 1???
Seminars work starting Oct 1st by you giving them the booklet and a stamped envelope. You cannot "assist" an applicant period.
Your license is on the line not the companies. If you don't get caught, they make more money, get caught and YOU make nothing. Why would anyone risk it? You can write the apps on the 15th, whats the big deal, I write 240+ during aep and I don't do seminars, do it right and all the ethical work pays off.
Seminars work starting Oct 1st by you giving them the booklet and a stamped envelope. You cannot "assist" an applicant period.
Your license is on the line not the companies. If you don't get caught, they make more money, get caught and YOU make nothing. Why would anyone risk it? You can write the apps on the 15th, whats the big deal, I write 240+ during aep and I don't do seminars, do it right and all the ethical work pays off.

Do you have a link to to the verbiage on this. I could be wrong but I thought it was OK if you give them an application that is separate from the enrollment kit that has your name and agent ID agent and the envelope.

I asked the local upline and PHD if filling in agent info field means you have to answer yes to question " did agent assist in completing the application " and was told no.On the FL UHC application section 9 where the agent info is entered it says at top " For sales representative /agency use only " so a consumer would never fill in this information anyway right? .Am I right or am I right or am I right ? Right! Right! Right!

One thing for sure is this is all clear as mud.
There's no verbiage on it. It's just not true. You can assist you just can't fill it out for them and you can't send it in for them.
Well from all my "yelling at" training i get they say no apps before oct 15th, cannot assist, so yes, clear as much.
As far as giving them a separate application, that is a no no, you have to give them the entire kit in its complete form. Then again, this is in my training so who the hell knows LOL.
Do you have a link to to the verbiage on this. I could be wrong but I thought it was OK if you give them an application that is separate from the enrollment kit that has your name and agent ID agent and the envelope.

I asked the local upline and PHD if filling in agent info field means you have to answer yes to question " did agent assist in completing the application " and was told no.On the FL UHC application section 9 where the agent info is entered it says at top " For sales representative /agency use only " so a consumer would never fill in this information anyway right? .Am I right or am I right or am I right ? Right! Right! Right!

One thing for sure is this is all clear as mud.

You cannot separate the application from the entire kit, looking for verbiage? Was in your certification.
You cannot separate the application from the entire kit, looking for verbiage? Was in your certification.

To clarify the enrollment kit I give the the consumer is fully intact with nothing written on those applications attached in kit.

I hand them a separate application that's printed from the UHC agent portal that are numbered page 1-7 and not not considered part of the enrollment kit.As long as you have already given the consumer a complete unmolested enrollment kit I don't see what the issue would be since these applications are approved by CMS. I do this even after AEP starts because it makes it much easier for consumer since they don't have to tear it out of book and also if you are faxing it in the pages don't stick together like the ones in the book..

The consumer would never fill in any section that says " for agent use only" so I was told you are not helping them fill it in this case.I will verify this again with my up line, PHD,CMS, the compliance department of carrier and the FL DOI and take the average of the different responses to get the most probable correct answer and discontinue doing it if it's most likely non compliant.

So if doing this is indeed non compliant what if you don't write anything in this separate application but just fold the blank application and in put it in the stamped envelope without sealing it of course and hand it to them and tell them to fill out their section only and mail it to you after 10/15 do you think that would still be considered helping to complete an application?

If folding a separate blank application and placing it in the envelope is OK would it also be OK to write an instructional reminder note on the inside of the envelope for the consumer as a reminder to complete, sign,date and mail the application on or after 10/15 or would writing these instructional notes be considered helping and therefore pushing the compliance envelope to far ( pun intended )?