• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

It's Monday Morning

I had an afternoon appointment, but was able to set another one in the same place for tomorrow morning. So, re-set the afternoon one for tomorrow. Was able to set a full day for Wed. (3 appointments).
Nothing left to do for today...looks like I'll be on here and Hulu until I leave for the Cardinals game at 5:00!!!
Go Team!

Tough life we live. :1cute:
Got up at 5:30am, took care of dogs, showered, got kids fed and ready for school & day care. Got the oldest on the bus and dropped off youngest at day care, stopped at the bank, got to the office at 8:45am. Checked and answered emails (all 3 accounts), sent my cubscouts an email about tomorrow's den meeting and the cubmaster an email about the popcorn sale I'm in charge of. Couldn't think of anything interesting to write on my blog, skipped that today. Went to the research laboratory for my back patches (newbies sometimes have to donate their body to science for extra $), back to the office. Called all those on my lead list who needed follow ups, called all those on my "call back for the boss" list, talked to 3 potential clients who have quotes, made a bunch of cold calls, checked out the insurance forum while eating lunch, then its back to cold calls until I have to leave at 3pm to get the kids and start my 'second shift' - dinner, homework, baths, etc. etc. And this was a quiet day.... :yes:
In order:

!. Drink
2. Surf Insurance Forums
3. Contemplate selling something today
5. Lunch
6. F*ck it.
7. Start planning tomorrow...

Wait, so you actually contemplate selling something on Monday?

I usually put the contemplating off until Tuesday, Gear up on Wednesday and hit it fast and hard Thursday before the early weekend that starts Friday.

Not serious.......... :D
Boy my Phils suck so far. If they can hang in there until they get healthy, all will be well.

Don't worry about the Reds, Although I would like to see them do well.I smell a fading act in a few months. Nice walkoff last night though.