I've been reading for years, now I'm In!


New Member
Hello everyone, I read this forum almost everyday, and most of the advice given is pretty good. I own an independent agency in Michigan, which I started in 2004. We do 95% health insurance comprised of, 40% group, 40% Medicare, 15% FFM/Indy, and 5% life.

I worked for another agency for 10 years before I started my own. When I left that agency to start my own I was under a 3 year non-compete agreement. So, I left basically with nothing and began to build my block as earned with no advanced commisions. It has been a tough, but after 14 years on my own now it was definately worth it.

Anyway, I hope to contribute around here. My specialty is health insurance, group, indy, and Medicare.

Nice to meet you all!:)
Hello everyone, I read this forum almost everyday, and most of the advice given is pretty good. I own an independent agency in Michigan, which I started in 2004. We do 95% health insurance comprised of, 40% group, 40% Medicare, 15% FFM/Indy, and 5% life.

I worked for another agency for 10 years before I started my own. When I left that agency to start my own I was under a 3 year non-compete agreement. So, I left basically with nothing and began to build my block as earned with no advanced commisions. It has been a tough, but after 14 years on my own now it was definately worth it.

Anyway, I hope to contribute around here. My specialty is health insurance, group, indy, and Medicare.

Nice to meet you all!:)