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Just getting started!

Michael Collier

New Member
Hey, every body!
My name is Michael, I'm 25, and I'm just at the beginning of my career in insurance. I earned my pre-license just last week, and I'll be taking my state exam for property lines this upcoming Thursday. I am a little nervous, but I'm also very excited to say that I've got a lot to learn and that I'm looking forward to the challenges and the opportunities. I'll be checking this site frequently, so any advice y'all could give to a rookie would be greatly appreciated. Hope all of y'all are doing well today!
After nearly 40 years providing medical equipment to the disabled I found myself suddenly looking for work. With a non-compete and having entered my vocation at the age of 17 and never getting a degree I found little in the way of opportunities for middleaged fat men. I had made big money when I lived in California, moved to Mississippi (I love it here by the way)and made ok money but that situation came to a crashing end. I really needed to research my employers more before cashing in everything and moving. Live and learn. During my "what the hell am I going to do" time, I applied for every job you can think of, supermarket night worker, mall manager, everything. An insurance group encouraged me to join up with them. I got my license for life/health-accident in a few weeks (I study good and take tests pretty well) and was about to start buying leads when I got offered an ok manager's job at a car wash. Then, a year later after my non-compete expired I went back into my old industry making good money again. That experience told me to keep an eye out. I renewed my producer's license even though I've never sold anything as a back up hedge against future issues.
It did give me time to consider and study the industry. I certainly buy a lot of insurance (home, life, auto, accidental dismemberment) and I deal with Medicare, Supplemental, private insurance, and medicaid and have for 40 years now on behalf of my clients. I've experienced in this last year, dealing with my mom having Medicare/Supplemental and then due to her stroke and hospitalizations, getting her qualified for medicaid, then dealing with hospice and funeral expenses.
The original company I dealt with was selling mortgage protection policies. One thing that I don't like is "selling" to people who probably just filled out a card at a fair or something. I hate when my wife fills those out-someone trying to sell me a timeshare.

But not wanting to close doors I'm studying the Medicare supplement/Medicare advantage policies. Funeral expense policies are of a limited interest as well. Because I understand those things and have sat in the homes of literally thousands of people who were dealing with such. I've found over the years that forums such as this are the best place to get unfiltered information. I regularly check in with forums for spinal cord injury persons. I provide equipment for them but I always need to better understand them.

The same goes for this industry. If I ever get to where I need or want to change careers and help people in a different way I don't want to get jammed into a room somewhere where a guy who drives a gold Escalade is coming in dumping files on a desk at me so I can convince some marginal income person to buy a policy to insure against volcano eruptions when she can't afford to feed her cat.

So thanks for being here. I look forward to reading about the opportunities and pitfalls y'all've experienced.
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After nearly 40 years providing medical equipment to the disabled I found myself suddenly looking for work. With a non-compete and having entered my vocation at the age of 17 and never getting a degree I found little in the way of opportunities for middleaged fat men. I had made big money when I lived in California, moved to Mississippi (I love it here by the way)and made ok money but that situation came to a crashing end. I really needed to research my employers more before cashing in everything and moving. Live and learn. During my "what the hell am I going to do" time, I applied for every job you can think of, supermarket night worker, mall manager, everything. An insurance group encouraged me to join up with them. I got my license for life/health-accident in a few weeks (I study good and take tests pretty well) and was about to start buying leads when I got offered an ok manager's job at a car wash. Then, a year later after my non-compete expired I went back into my old industry making good money again. That experience told me to keep an eye out. I renewed my producer's license even though I've never sold anything as a back up hedge against future issues.
It did give me time to consider and study the industry. I certainly buy a lot of insurance (home, life, auto, accidental dismemberment) and I deal with Medicare, Supplemental, private insurance, and medicaid and have for 40 years now on behalf of my clients. I've experienced in this last year, dealing with my mom having Medicare/Supplemental and then due to her stroke and hospitalizations, getting her qualified for medicaid, then dealing with hospice and funeral expenses.
The original company I dealt with was selling mortgage protection policies. One thing that I don't like is "selling" to people who probably just filled out a card at a fair or something. I hate when my wife fills those out-someone trying to sell me a timeshare.

But not wanting to close doors I'm studying the Medicare supplement/Medicare advantage policies. Funeral expense policies are of a limited interest as well. Because I understand those things and have sat in the homes of literally thousands of people who were dealing with such. I've found over the years that forums such as this are the best place to get unfiltered information. I regularly check in with forums for spinal cord injury persons. I provide equipment for them but I always need to better understand them.

The same goes for this industry. If I ever get to where I need or want to change careers and help people in a different way I don't want to get jammed into a room somewhere where a guy who drives a gold Escalade is coming in dumping files on a desk at me so I can convince some marginal income person to buy a policy to insure against volcano eruptions when she can't afford to feed her cat.

So thanks for being here. I look forward to reading about the opportunities and pitfalls y'all've experienced.
You should talk to @Todd King. :yes:
I'm sorry, I totally put this in as reply in that young man's thread. Did not mean to hijack your thread man. I'll post it correctly. At 25 you are at a great age to get started in this. I agree with some of the other posters, you might really consider making it on your own. I wish I had. Working and depending on others for your paycheck sucks.