Larry Klein...

Larry's company went belly up last fall. I do know of a couple of folks he made whole, so at least he is trying to do the right thing. But I'm sure alot of folks got burned.

Or you can go here: Or how about a bootcamp?

He had a website specific, yet it seems to be now defunk, I was looking for a certain website of his but NF Communications is now out of business, this is the best that I can find that is related to the site he had not that long ago? I suppose one has to ask how come his company or website is now down?

I don't know what he might have done worng in the past, but I got a lot out of his blog. Best thing I've read in a long time. I have to give a speech next month to the local chamber of commerce and he gave me a terrific opening line:

Here's a great speaking tip--always start of with some self-effacing humor. Since I was a CPA early in my career, I tell this story:

"I need to tell you what happened and why I do not practice as a CPA any more. I came home from work one evening and found that the sink in the kitchen was all stopped up. Not being particularly mechanical, I called the plumber who arrived promptly. He fixed the problem and was packing up his tools, ready to leave. I asked him how much I owed him.

Now this was in 1979 and he tells me I owe him $100. "$100?" I exclaimed, "You were only here 20 minutes. I'm a CPA and I don't even charge $100 an hour."

The plumber replied, "Neither did I when I was a CPA!"
I don't know what he might have done worng in the past, but I got a lot out of his blog. Best thing I've read in a long time. I have to give a speech next month to the local chamber of commerce and he gave me a terrific opening line:Al

The guy must be doing something right if he gets 7 posts in less than 12 hours from this board. They say any advertising is good advertising....whatever!