I'm starting a new thread because of the importance of the new season approaching and consequently new contracts.
Yesterday, at a Secure Horizons pitch, the commission proposed for next year seems to be the same for a MAPD ($400 street level), but a comment was made about a $60 bonus for online submission. Apparently, so many (86% was the number given) applications have had errors or omissions, that they decided that they could cut down on them by having them screened with software at the point of submission. If you have a laptop (they are being provided company expense to captives) you can avail yourself of this. Stand by for more details as I dig into this.
Please add your discoveries as you come across them.

Yesterday, at a Secure Horizons pitch, the commission proposed for next year seems to be the same for a MAPD ($400 street level), but a comment was made about a $60 bonus for online submission. Apparently, so many (86% was the number given) applications have had errors or omissions, that they decided that they could cut down on them by having them screened with software at the point of submission. If you have a laptop (they are being provided company expense to captives) you can avail yourself of this. Stand by for more details as I dig into this.

Please add your discoveries as you come across them.