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Lead Net Pro Anyone?


100+ Post Club
Has anyone had success with LeadNet Pro software? I have a friend of mine in network marketing that told me about it. I know he will get a commission if I use/buy this system and I am fine with that if it works.

My question(s) is this: Has anyone used it combined with their voice broadcasting? By my calculations and what he said, I could broadcast 2k 30 seconds calls and it would be like 1 penny per call, so 2k times a week I could presumably get the word out there for only 20 bucks.

Any thoughts? The network marketers of the world might have success with it but does any health insurance agents in the individual market that targets mostly small biz, self employed?
There are a few problems with the LeadNetPro system. There's nothing particularly nefarious about what they're offering, but there also isn't anything about it you can't find elsewhere at a better value.

Most voice broadcasting doesn't work in the b2b world. I'm probably going to be doing some this week to test out my system, but that's only because I literally just need to make a bunch of phone calls to stress test my system. It's unlikely at best that any leads will come of it.

Let me be clear. Voice broadcasting is a great way to generate b2c leads, but it's illegal to do that now. In the b2b world it's legal, but the response rate is so close to zero.

Let's look at it from dollars and cents. According to the site they charge 1.8 cents per minute for the broadcasting. In and of itself that's not a bad rate, but it comes down to how it's billed. Your cell phone is billed 60/60 meaning you pay for the first 60 seconds and then any part of 60 seconds after that, so a 61 second call is billed as 120 seconds. We've come to expect that from our cell phone companies, but that's not how most of the telephony world works. I use vitelity and they claim to bill 1/1, but 6/6 is standard. Most voice broadcasting companies charge 30/30. Skipping down they say that a 30 second message is .9 which leads me to believe that they're at least 30/30, but I could be wrong. If it is 30/30 that's a fortune more than 6/6 because most of your calls on a VB are going to run less than 30 seconds.

To the quality of the lists, I have an obvious bias because I broker top quality marketing lists, but it makes the fact that they are scraping lists no less valid. Scraping phone numbers off the internet is a bad idea for a bunch of reasons, not the least of which is that if you do voice broadcast to an individual you're risking a $16,000 *per call* fine. Likely? Not really, but there are other reasons it's a bad idea. It doesn't let you target by geography or by industry very accurately which means if half the numbers are garbage, you're paying twice as much in dialer costs, even if the list was at no extra cost.

Back to the dollars and cents point, you're paying them almost $400 for the privilege of paying too much for a voice broadcasting system that is overpriced even if there was no buy-in.

John Petrowski likes to state that voice broadcasting doesn't work because he and some agents tried it without any success and I think he's being a bit too harsh, but that's certainly the opinion of another person that has done it b2b. Another gentleman around here used it to try to sell life insurance to businesses and I thought his results were decent, but they were well below his expectations.
I know they bill in 6 second incriments. Not sure how they work. I just bought one form IBuzzPro, which I was told was better. I have yet to use it.
Yea, done that a few times...I figure it's government, so my "complaint" probably ends up in the round file!

It takes a few (if not hundreds) for it to amount to something. Once you file it, the complaint is stored forever. Some shops do get into a lot of trouble for it, so enough complaints and action will be taken. You can sometimes call the state AG too, but in general you get better results from just yelling at them.