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Lead Vendor Scumbag Liars

Internet leads have had an evolution that reminds me of Ebay. In the early days of Ebay you money could be made hands over fist as a seller. After a few years the gravy was gone and now it is a much different game on Ebay. Leads have went the same way. The market has become saturated. A lot of questionable characters got into the lead business plus consumer have become more sophisticated about providing accurate contact information online. All of it makke it hard to get worthwhile leads. A friend of mine whose firm has existed on on-line leads told me last weak they are going to quit purchasing them.
I caught a few health lead vendors screwing their agents a few years back, so i figured i would test the life lead side of the business.

In the last year, since November, I have caught 3 lead vendors sharing "exclusive" leads.

With my phone system set up, I can activate 'virtual numbers" on the fly, as many as I want.

I have 3 computers with 3 different connections, cable, aircard, and wife's DSL line, so I put in 3 seperate fake leads in with individual numbers, individual IP connections, and specific zip codes that I chose.

2 of the leads (from 2 vendors) were sold to me as "exclusive", and 1 lead did not hit my account.

Of the 2 "exclusive" leads that I was charged for, other agents called me the same day (1 agent on 1 lead, and 2 agents on another)
1 agent told me he was charged for the exclusive lead also, the others said they were sold to they as shared.

The 3rd lead that was not sold to me was sold to 3 agents, 2 x as shared, and 1x as "exclusive"


I confronted all of the lead vendors and they said basically the same thing, "Internet leads are not totally exclusive because people go to multiple quoting sites and fill out multiple inquiries."

The small problem was that I was the one that put in the test leads, so I pretty much know that I only filled out one form. All 3 lead vendors sold me, and other agents, the lead as exclusive


When confronted with the full facts, they all said it was a fluke. Wow!!!! 3 flukes in a row with 3 different lead vendors. PLease don't believe them.

Someone should sue their asses once and for all.
that what made me go to my own lead generator. my leads are not sold or shared with another agent. most lead companies resell leads to other agents. I had to have a system that made my leads available only to me. I will share the info if you want it.
ok some people can not be helped. good luck with blaming the whole world for your failure. hope the future for you gets better instead of bitter.
ok some people can not be helped. good luck with blaming the whole world for your failure. hope the future for you gets better instead of bitter.

Mike was 100% correct about lead vendors for health insurance. In general they are all lying scumbags. It's a dirty industry.

I generate my own leads (Medicare) using my own telemarketer. I no longer need to deal with dishonest lead providers.
