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Lead Vendor Scumbag Liars

Seems there is a whole industry of vultures and scum who realized there is a vulnerability to exploit and that's called LEAD VENDORS. Seems when ever agents criticize a lead company (see my thread on the crooks at BEST LEADS and GREG HORNE) there is some "poster" out to slap back at the agent. The whole POINT is that some bastard takes your money and doesn't provide what they promised. Wonder how many of the "agent slappers" who defend lead companies are lead scammers themselves? Point is, don't criticize the consumer when they are PAYING money for an advertised service and don't get what they paid for. If you can't handle that truth, hope the next time you guy buy a sandwich for lunch, the cook spits on your meat and watches you swallow the last bite.
Just know that they ALL are doing this. ALL OF THEM.

I confronted the owner of one of the big lead vendors in person at a sales event a few years back. I had the entire thing recorded on Camtasia (voice and video on a timeline of the leads getting produced, hitting my account, and getting called by other agents in 3 minutes.)

They threatened to sue me if I told anyone.

Not worth the fight, since no agents would ever back me up if they were included in a suit.

Most agents I have met would stab their mother in the neck to make a few bucks. Not trustworth IMHO.

Thats weak.

I was in the mortgage business for 21 years, and did some consulting in the area of marketing.

I maintained, and published, a "Do Not Use" list for all untrustsworthy list firms. Its available even today for inspection.

4 of those clowns threated to sue me.

Not one did, they're all full of bile and ignorant, just like to throw out fancy, legal-sounding terms to help them puff up their chests.

Post your list.

I'll post mine :

PristineLeads.com (Malcolm Campbell) added 9-30-8
Precision 1 Marketing
Red Clay Media
DeBroux Marketing
IMC Telemarketing in Indianapolis
Big Planet Marketing
DMA Leads
Data Warehouse
Austin Lead Management
ExcellentMortgageLeads.com (Gordon McKenna)
Ashton Danbury, Inc.
MortgageLenders.cc (Florida)
Altair Data (Nashville)

With high turn over and pressure to produce (more so probably from a personal financial standpoint and not so much from a sales manager's demands) there will always be a market for these guys. The best piece of advice is simply don't do it. There are far better ways to produce results on your own.
This is true. The last time I bought leads, Leadco was good. Netquote ha some HORRIBLE and GREAT leads. ROI wasn't bad. Vimo was good for a while but I don't hear much about them any more. ASAP was decent and then something changed.
Now that's the kind of value added "advise" I come to expect from you.
Don't forget to wear well-cushioned shoes for your walk in two days!