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Letters for Cold Call List


New Member
Has anyone wrote an introductory letter for their cold call list and mailed it ? I am wanting to step out of my routine and try something different. If anyone has, will you share what your letter entails?

Best regards,
If you're wanting to send some type of "pre approach" letter, I'd recommend saving your money and just hooking up with a good mailhouse to send some mailers for you. I tried something similar in the past, and it was basically a waste of money. I've gotten a much higher ROI with mailers. And as you build your book, cross sell them and get referrals. They are the easiest "leads" you'll get as they already have an inherent trust in you as their friend/family referred them to you.
For your letters I would suggest the following from the book Monopolize Your Marketplace by Richard Harshaw:

Interrupt: Based on Hot Buttons - Get qualified prospects to pay attention to your marketing. Accomplished by identifying and hitting your prospects' hot buttons.

Engage: Promise to Educate - Give prospects the promise that information is forthcoming that will facilitate their decision making process.

Educate: Identify Import Issues - Identify the important and relevant issues prospects need to be aware of, then demonstrate how you stack up against those issues. Build a case for your business of why it is to their advantage to do business with you.

Offer: Low Risk Next Step - Give prospects a low-risk way to take the next step in the buying process... put more information in their hands and allow them to feel in total control of the decision.

Your offer could be to send back the enclosed postcard to get the free info, to go online to request your free info or to call you for your free offer. Your free offer could be info on "The 5 Biggest Insurance Mistakes People Make And How To Avoid Them". Search the internet to gather info on any topic you come up with that could possibly be hot button for the prospect. Take the info you find to come up with an original piece in your own words that you can send them.

Whichever way they request the info be sure to capture their contact info with name, address, email and phone number so can follow up with them.
Has anyone wrote an introductory letter for their cold call list and mailed it ? I am wanting to step out of my routine and try something different. If anyone has, will you share what your letter entails?

Best regards,

Hi Dana,

The best letter I have ever written with the highest return rate has come from the book "selling to vito". He really got it right. It grabs their attention and speaks directly to your audience if your audience is the c-level.

If you are selling to hr level people then a standard letter might be better but if you are going to execs then focus on a short, bullet point and bold message.

Just a word of caution, if you are looking for a letter you send to 1000 people that you will never be able to follow up on then this isn't the letter for you. But if you are looking to target your market and the people in your market, then go with this type of letter. Just don't send out any more than you can follow up on. This might mean 10 or 20 letters a week.

My advice would be to try a couple types and see what works for you.

Good luck!
Has anyone wrote an introductory letter for their cold call list and mailed it ?
If you call a cold list, and ask if they received the letter that you sent them (without sending it of course), 68% will respond in the affirmative.

A huge waste of time and money. Forget the letter (and expense). Just call 'em.

PS-It's not has anyone "wrote". It's has anyone "written". Might be important if you're going to write letters to prospects!
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If you call a cold list, and ask if they received the letter that you sent them (without sending it of course), 68% will respond in the affirmative.

A huge waste of time and money. Forget the letter (and expense). Just call 'em.

PS-It's not has anyone "wrote". It's has anyone "written". Might be important if you're going to write letters to prospects!

I agree. No point to wrote letters and then sent them.

Sending letters is just avoidance activity. It is time consuming and expensive.
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just get them on the phone, if you're afraid to talk to them but have money to burn for letters hire some telemarketers get them on a dialer and train them