Libs Worried About Dems Caving on Health Reform


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What an explosive mess is ahead for all in this country.

Dem plan gone flaccid. Provider costs and premiums exploding. No repub alternative was floated or is there for Plan B. Chances of their getting one and developing leadership to go with it are either zero or too late. You can't go down multiple roads with multiple conflicting strategies.

Lots of people in the country, including many here, think there will be a big repub victory to turn this all around. Question 1: Turn it around to what? Question 2: Even if the republicans take both houses (not gonna take the Senate) how the hell do you get around the fact that Obama has veto power over any bill to kill Obamacare. The most they can do is frig with it through cutting and controlling funding but that will just result in spinning a half-arsed plan through half-arsed scrathing at it from various angles. Meanwhile, provider costs and premiums skyrocket.

What a frigged up mess.

Hillary is watching and couldnt be happier. Expect to hear the words "public option" again as 2012 approaches. The Repubilcan takeover in the house could also work against them in 2012 if the public continues to believe that they have no plan other than to oppose Obama.

What a mess. Single payer here we come. Just add in the right number of years.

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Winter: How many years then till single payer?

It is all on a continuum. There will never be a one big cut-over. Some of it is already underway. Move more and more people over to medicaid one year and then just keep adding, next year give states and taxpayers more and more subsidies and credits for being in a fed sponsored program than for not being one, and then just keep tacking on. Pretty soon you wake up and find that the market that does not have either a direct or indirect pipeline to what the feds want is gone (might be there already, just waiting for 2014). There will always be a shell game to make it look like as much of this as possible is in the private sector but in fact you dont do much that the feds dont approve or control.

The comparison to medicare advantage is probably valid. If you want to make a case that the republicans were able to keep parts of medicare in the private sector and so on then fine. Most people know though, that you dont breathe out the other nostril in a medicare advantage plan without getting approval from the feds and your entire business plan is based on seeing what they allow or do not allow next year. This is true whether you are an agent, a provider, or a consumer. It is a shell game run by the feds but pretending to be rooted in the private carriers.

But no- there is not going to be any bill passed that says "next year we are having single payer just like the Canadians do." That is not how creeping socialism works. The main thing that was accomplished this year (even though the specific programs and details will change over time) is that the feds took control of the future of health care in this country. It is considered to be a fed function now and not a state function as far as ultimate responsibility. That is irreversible., even though there are some who have a vested interest in believing otherwise.

It is important to not that simply because something remains in the private sector does not negate the fact that the shift has occurred. Example, you have med advantage and med supp plans all offered by private carriers but they only operate by permission and control by the feds. CA had a proposed 40% increase last fall. The feds decided they didnt like that and wanted to take a look at it. Suddenly Anthem had less than 40% request, along with a dozen other states. Just the year before Anthem though the feds didnt have anything to say about it.

Creeping socialism - no one transition point but clearly on the path with some major milestones already behind us. And then of course at some point, in the name of efficiency and cost-savings some of these programs will get merged together so that we dont have all these little standalone "pockets of programs."
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Obama's plans provide entering of the state medical insurance. Cost of these plans by estimation is measured in trillions dollars which at the state simply aren't present. And this with the fact that acting federal programs in the field of a health care, such as Medicare and Medicaid, have wallowed in huge debts and are close to bankruptcy.
Here is what I question.........Why was nothing ever done that made sense for the people by either parties and how did we get here to this stage?
Answer: Our government is smarter than we think they are dumb. Both parties are 'in bed' with each other behind closed doors and who knows if this Tea Party is just a part of it. I think they are all three one in the same........crooks and liars. Any of them as individuals would screw anyone to advance each owns agenda. We sit here and scratch our heads and wonder how, why, if, ect. ect. This is the country and world we now live in. It's always been like this but now it is just worse and much more blatent. It's so blatent that most are just in denial. The blatent fleecing of this country and around the world by governments is now out of control. You could compare it to a drug addict that needs to get the fix. The worst drug addict you have ever heard of or seen. You can't trust hardly anyone anymore yet alone a politician.

My dad always said, show me a politician and I'll show you a thief and a liar. He wasn't the smartest guy but I think he got that one right. Sometimes some of us are just to smart for our own good. If we just dumbed it down and asked ourselves to make sense of all this government you just might see what I see which also means getting out of denial.

Unfortunately even if the country did that, I don't have an answer for you. Who you gonna have run the country? Me, you......Tom, Dick and Harry?
There is nobody on this planet or group that can fix this mess and I have more faith in God eventually fixing it from a Biblical sense than Superman or supermen. Until then, welcome to the highway to hell. We think it's a mess, I think it is a somewhat perfect entity for fleecing not only here in this country of the people but also governments around the world and until people get their head out of their ass we will never make it to the next stage of events which eventually does away with all this mess.

That's my view and I wish everyone a good day. Now to read the obituary to see if I'm still alive :-)

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