Looking for Feedback on My Website

#1 Download webceo at SEO Software by Web CEO :: Search Engine Optimization Software / Complete SEO Toolkit for Website Optimization, Promotion and Maintenance and follow its recommendations. Go through the free seo course. Make sure you get the free version.

#2 Interlink your site. Example on your first page you have auto insurance make it link to your auto insurance section. and do that for other terms.

#3 Change your title. Title needs to be the main keywords you want to go after. Yours is to general.

#4 You are not using alt tags in your documents. Use alt tags in your images.

Spend more time doing keyword research. Use the free keyword tool at Free keyword suggestion tool for SEO, Adwords & blogging
and then take those keywords into google and find out your competition. Go after keywords that people buying insurance are looking for. Not what you think they are looking for.


I would recommend staying away from all these software programs, They are so far behind, they are still checking and scoring on old factors.

I would read this, before I went and downloaded some Kool-Aid Program, WebPosition Gold is just one example they are using, and the above program falls into the same category.

Automated queries - Webmaster Tools Help
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seobook offers amazing tools which without, I would be lost. they are free, but the warning of course is that they are addictive and not to be abused as they will result in the automated query warning that Mr. Miller mentioned.
I wouldn't give web position gold to my worst enemy. Webceo's free training would help anyone get there site ranked high on google. Plus webceo is free to use. It has taken the place of goodkeywords and a few good products. Personally I don't use it. But, I started out using it and it helped with on page optimization. It has been around since about 2000 and has helped thousands of people get ranked higher. In fact at one point and time google was recommending it. So was Aaron Wall over at seobok.

I would recommend staying away from all these software programs, They are so far behind, they are still checking and scoring on old factors.

I would read this, before I went and downloaded some Kool-Aid Program, WebPosition Gold is just one example they are using, and the above program falls into the same category.

Automated queries - Webmaster Tools Help
I actualy do SEO for insurance websites. I can help you very cheap, and get you ranked #1
contact me at this email.. [email protected] I will be more then happy to further discuss
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Hi all.

I'm horrible in the SEO rankings, anyone got some theories as to why my santa barbara auto insurance isn't anywhere on the search engines. Also home owners, life insurance, commercial insurance but especially looking to be pulled up on first page of google for Santa Barbara Auto Insurance.
My site is pretty now and as for Santa Barbara Car Insurance companies its one of the pretty ones. Haha.

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Just checking to see if my new signature works to redirect to my Santa Barbara, CA Insurance page.

Please read my post below i can help
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I know someone who is real good with this SEO. He did a website for my friend here in Florida called Ceramictec. He also did his own, Tile Art in Colorado. If you Google these words "tile Ditra Kerdi Florida" my buddy Ceramictec is all over the first page. If you Google the same words just change state to Colorado you will see Roger's Tile Art in first page. Now supposedly it takes a little time to get to the first page IF you can even make it there but they did. They compete with about 1000 other Kerdi and Ditra contractors on the web in those states. I would get with Roger. He has something you van try for free that will move you up in the SEO's. His site is DotComBot - DotComBot ? Website Solutions for Contractors Just say Ob1kanobee told you to check him out. I don't have a site yet but I'm sure he can give you other sites for proof he has moved up on the SEO's. Those 2 I mentioned are on his site. All I know is that guy knows his stuff. If he can't help you, he will tell you. He is very honest. Google those words though and you will see what I posted above is true.
"If you Google these words "tile Ditra Kerdi Florida"

Of course...how many people actually Google those words!

Believe it or not quite a few. The biggest tile and natural stone forum on the web got there via Schluter products. Schluter is a a product for people who are looking for waterproof, mold free innovative showers that do not require old school questionable waterproof pans in there showers.

It would be like comparing GI (general issue insurance) to the same plan Congress has. If you want a shower to last and your gonna spend some bucks, smart consumers use Schluter products. They have these people called interior designers, engineers and architects these days, I don't know they do something with building I guess, I'm sure a man of your intellect would know, anyway, they are pushing the value of Schluter. My interior designer knows of them, I'm sure yours does ;-).

I wouldn't expect you to know this Chumps, so I'm telling you as an insider of that industry. Schluter is being used quite a bit across Europe and a lot in Dubai. Soon to be a household name so to speak. Won't be long and you will some day here of it from someone besides me. I actually narrowed it down. I could have suggested to take out the words ditra and kerdi and put in the word Schluter instead but that would not be fair.

What you do is your business dude, I'm just giving the guy some proof is in the pudding FYI.

Perhaps you could be so kind to refer someone you know that has made it to first page with a few websites for very little money?
Crickets Chirping

This is a prime example of why just because you wouldn't think to Google those words, why nobody else would. It doesn't work that way buddy.

Tell ya what, Google "tile contractor Fort Collins Colorado". Maybe you would Google that if you lived in Fort Collins Colorado and you were looking for a tile contractor. Fair enough? Well now he is number 3 on the first page. The proof is in the pudding Bro.....Oh you can do it for Tampa florida too and my friend Ceramictec is one page 1 as well.

If you can find me better for the same bucks I'm all ears......When I tell someone something or give some advice I don't B.S. Well not too much anyway.

Your still alright Chumps, I don't care what anybody says! :yes:
Yeah Chumps, they are a big outfit and privately owned I believe. There product is a household name in parts of Europe.

Did you Google the other as I said with words you might be more apt to Google yourself? My buddy out there in Colorado is sitting number two on page 1 when you do it that way as well.

I haven't talked to him yet about an insurance website but from what I gather, I have to spend about 15 to 20 minutes a day for a year doing different things on my site to get it even close to the first page.

The thing I like about Roger is he will flat out tell you that he can't promise you first page. He did it. He did it for my buddy and others but what he will promise is to get you a lot closer.

Anybody that promises you first or second page I would run. You have to work it to get there. It just doesn't happen. They have these little tricks and things you have to do on a daily bases to get there or pay them to do it for you.

All I ask is that if you give Roger a call to tell him Ob1kanobee sent ya. Maybe I'll get a discount or some referrals from him down the road is all. I just hope no one from Florida has him help them for insurance or at least not in my area.........:swoon: