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Mailer Question

You got 30 back?!? I've never gotten that many back on a DM. The most I've ever gotten back is about 20.

Did you make your own cards or do you hire a mail house to do the job?

I got back 30 this time so far, might get about 5 more. Im doing another one probably next week. Hitting T65 for Sept this time.

Some friends of mine just dropped 4,000 mailers about 4 weeks ago and have received 150 so far and will probably end up around 4% response.

You just have to send a better card out. Not some crap card that says, "The president has announced changes for 2010 medicare". A prospect will either say no thanks, or they don't remember sending it out.

I'd say 90% of the people I talk to remember sending it out and I can set an appt on about half the cards I get.
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That's what I'm looking for... so the reply card option shows much better response to the call-in option, correct?

Correct. If you just have a number you will get little to no cards.

Ive done personal mailers (from my home) and pretty much said, "I see you have an upcoming 65th Bday....I can help you understand medicare and show you what options are available and have multiple companies to choose from".
And on those mailers its just my phone number. I get around .5-1% response but they are usually easy closes.
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You just have to send a better card out. Not some crap card that says, "The president has announced changes for 2010 medicare"..

Hey, I completely agree with that. Problem for me is the only cards I can find are the same generic crap.

I know this subject has been beat to hell. But have you used a mail house with less generic cards? Cause I sure ain't found one.
I personally like the mailers that have a spot for them to sign and put other information on there. It makes it much easier to overcome objections at the door if they took the time to sign it, put their spouses birthdate in, and phone number, etc..

Regardless of what (if anything) they put on the card, I have had most success with the door knock strategy. I suppose that is because I live in a densely populated area and knocking can be cost/time effective. Plus, none of my competitors seem to be knocking, so I have that advantage - not the case for phone.

Regarding the original question - I always do various mailers to see which gives me more return. I have had significantly better response rates on return cards versus just a phone/website. Yet, I don't have sophisticated tracking mechanisms for that.

TRSecurity, I am in FL so I wouldnt be your competition I guess. Are you using your own mailing or hiring a Direct Mail house? Also, what are you selling ? I am thinking about doing your exact strategy for annuities and investments.

Also what are you saying when you Door Knock and are the leads somewhat responsive ? I live in a decent size city where I am sure I would get a good response. Also, dont know if you are trying this but are you cold calling the rest 980-990 that didnt respond ?