Marketplace Direct or Agent


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
If an under 65 person uses an agent to acquire their health insurance, do they get the same plans and income credits they would get if they went direct to the marketplace online?
Same stuff except that not all of the companies are going to be shown (especially if it is a captive agent) the way they would be if shopping yourself.

The agent may also help them more accurately estimate their income. Unless the client is really going to dig into it, some will not be aware of how to report income if their situation is more complex than just getting a W2. Same goes for how to count who is in the household.
You get an agent for free, and the app is done correctly. Rarely do I find a DIY individual do it correctly, or search networks and plans correctly. Obamacare is complicated.

"Friends done let friends..... do obamacare alone"