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Medical Marijuana

We have such stupid people running our country. Prohibition failed in the early 1900s with alcohol and all they did was switch to prohibiting drugs. It's an un-winable war. All it does is create violent crime and cost plenty of money, all wasted. Legalize all drugs, sell it like liquor and cigarettes and collect taxes. Say goodbye to most of the crime. Put the DEA agents on the borders. Grow the weed here instead of importing it, making money for American farmers.
My issue is the lack of consistency. Either alcohol and marijuana should both be legal or they should both be illegal.

Both drugs are used by many people with no overt immediate ill effects. Both cause problems for some.

Marijuana does not make people violent like alcohol or certain other drugs.

People younger than 20 or so should do neither in my opinion. Both damage a maturing brain based on studies I've read.

I'm a fitness nut so I'm not likely to smoke a joint. That is my choice. Obviously other adults have the right to make their own choices about these matters.

However, if alcohol is legal, marijuana should probably be legal too.
One concern I have on the subject (which is no different then alcohol) is people driving while under the influence.

Most pot users report they can drive fine while "stoned" and that concerns me.