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Medicare Help - No Rush I know y'all r busy

bad kitty

New Member
Hello to everyone. Brand new here and to this business, so please be kind. I'm a Registered Nurse who has always been a little curious about selling Medicare. (I was a very good salesperson before nursing). After much consideration and a family pow-wow, my sons and I have decided to jump into Medicare sales. My grown sons are absolute sales beasts in other industries but are tired of always working to make someone else rich. We will have our certs and licenses done by end of first quarter 2020. We are currently working on marketing strategies and budgeting what will be needed to generate good leads. What we really will need is the best education, the best mentoring, and, of course, the best processes for leads and CRM. I've been poking around the internet and this forum and think I have an idea of where to go, but am interested in more feedback. After AEP, please respond if you have a suggestion or words of wisdom. Thanks. Wishing you happy holidays, happy AEP, and happy New Year.
Hello to everyone. Brand new here and to this business, so please be kind. I'm a Registered Nurse who has always been a little curious about selling Medicare. (I was a very good salesperson before nursing). After much consideration and a family pow-wow, my sons and I have decided to jump into Medicare sales. My grown sons are absolute sales beasts in other industries but are tired of always working to make someone else rich. We will have our certs and licenses done by end of first quarter 2020. We are currently working on marketing strategies and budgeting what will be needed to generate good leads. What we really will need is the best education, the best mentoring, and, of course, the best processes for leads and CRM. I've been poking around the internet and this forum and think I have an idea of where to go, but am interested in more feedback. After AEP, please respond if you have a suggestion or words of wisdom. Thanks. Wishing you happy holidays, happy AEP, and happy New Year.
Welcome to the Forum and I hope you sell lots and lots of Medicare. :yes:

How bad are you Kitty? :err:

This is not a GRQ business

"Sales beasts" in other industries don't necessarily equate to success in this industry

Seniors respond to pressure to buy with stall tactics. The harder you push the more determined they become to shut you down.

Most are looking for information, not a sales pitch

Consider using paragraphs in the future. Easier to read. Folks more likely to chip in and help.
Hello to everyone. Brand new here and to this business, so please be kind. I'm a Registered Nurse who has always been a little curious about selling Medicare. (I was a very good salesperson before nursing). After much consideration and a family pow-wow, my sons and I have decided to jump into Medicare sales. My grown sons are absolute sales beasts in other industries but are tired of always working to make someone else rich. We will have our certs and licenses done by end of first quarter 2020. We are currently working on marketing strategies and budgeting what will be needed to generate good leads. What we really will need is the best education, the best mentoring, and, of course, the best processes for leads and CRM. I've been poking around the internet and this forum and think I have an idea of where to go, but am interested in more feedback. After AEP, please respond if you have a suggestion or words of wisdom. Thanks. Wishing you happy holidays, happy AEP, and happy New Year.

I think the best words of wisdom I can give you is to give us a call.

This is not a GRQ business

"Sales beasts" in other industries don't necessarily equate to success in this industry

Seniors respond to pressure to buy with stall tactics. The harder you push the more determined they become to shut you down.

Most are looking for information, not a sales pitch

Consider using paragraphs in the future. Easier to read. Folks more likely to chip in and help.
So. Thank you for the reply. My point in referencing the skills of my sons who will join me in this endeavor is to say that they are not new to selling and also, no one in any corporation they have ever worked for has been able to best their numbers. They are simply gifted.

They absolutely are not typical "pushy" salesmen. They understand the buyer's psychology in a telepathic way and see several moves ahead like a chess game. They are not stupid enough to think they can strong arm older people into buying a policy by being pushy. They're outstanding at building rapport and have wicked senses of humor. People like talking to them. They have the intelligence quotient to be able to tailor their approach. Maybe beasts was the wrong word. IDK. They're just incredible at selling.

The point is, I will be lucky to have them and perhaps some upline or fmo (I still don't know the difference there) will be lucky to have them on board, because it is a fact and not bragging, that no one in any company they've ever worked for has been able to beat their numbers.
Caveat, not an agent.

Please be very careful about the one upmanship type posts like you just made. There are a number of very successful sales people posting, and reading, here. Many of them will be glad to offer tips to a person with a license, just getting started, if those help requests are not accompanied by bragging about how good the person is.
Caveat, not an agent.

Please be very careful about the one upmanship type posts like you just made. There are a number of very successful sales people posting, and reading, here. Many of them will be glad to offer tips to a person with a license, just getting started, if those help requests are not accompanied by bragging about how good the person is.
OK. I give up. It actually isn't a brag if it is true, no? It was not a one upmanship (who was I one upping?). It's more like this is an opportunity for someone. Don't these fmos or other "uplines" get a financial incentive of any kind? Wouldn't you want to add people to your team that have some proven skills? But thanks for the feedback. I will no longer post because I can't seem to do this in a way that doesn't offend people.
OK. I give up. It actually isn't a brag if it is true, no? It was not a one upmanship (who was I one upping?). It's more like this is an opportunity for someone. Don't these fmos or other "uplines" get a financial incentive of any kind? Wouldn't you want to add people to your team that have some proven skills? But thanks for the feedback. I will no longer post because I can't seem to do this in a way that doesn't offend people.

LD is Not an agent don't take him too seriously

However, you will need a thick skin in this industry
@bad kitty please ignore Last Dollar. As @vic120 says, he is not an agent and doesn't even belong here.

His drivel has chased away several GOOD agents who offer helpful advice. You can't offend him and he won't leave.

He's like your little brother who wants to hang around and make your life miserable.