MetLife Reps


1000 Post Club
I have had a few clients solicited by MetLife Agents for health insurance. I was under the impression that outfit does not sell health insurance and focuses more on life insurance, retirement planning, etc.

Am I missing something? Can MetLife agents sell health insurance, and if so, with what companies in the mid-atlantic area? They don't appear to have anything on their corporate website that discusses the health insurance options like State Farm, Allstate, etc.

That "outfit" offers medical coverage through their General Agency. Most of the major companies are represented. Also, small and large group coverage is offered through the General Agency.

And you are right. State Farm and Allstate do not sell health insurance. State Farm, however, has a working agreement with Assurant.
why yes they do.....for years........but it is thru a ga and met owns the health commish also......

I have had a few clients solicited by MetLife Agents for health insurance. I was under the impression that outfit does not sell health insurance and focuses more on life insurance, retirement planning, etc.

Am I missing something? Can MetLife agents sell health insurance, and if so, with what companies in the mid-atlantic area? They don't appear to have anything on their corporate website that discusses the health insurance options like State Farm, Allstate, etc.

Just like everyones said, they offer it thru the Met General Agency. They take 50% of the commission for 0% of the work. In Va, they gave us access to Anthem, Golden Rule, and John Alden, for health. There are plenty other companies for DI, Life, LTC etc. These products aren't heavily marketed because GA commissions don't count for company minimum production requirements.
I saw Snoopy selling my neighbor a Major Medical plan last week. Landed his doghouse in the front yard. License plate was RedBrronSlyer.

I hear Woodstock sells hedge funds!
no I am sure they do get a cut..(not sure about 50%) but it was big..does not count toward pro. cr......I was using it as a lead in and to use commish for advertising....really did not work out because met don't train you on how to mark. and sell health......

"They take 50% of the commission"

Not true. Never has been. I notice in the past you have also posted erroneous information about your ex-employer.
Depending on your production, Met takes approximately 20%-33%.

And yes....there are very few agents that specialize in health insurance.

How about, "depending on your contract" oh wise one? I've also noticed that you post half true information at times.

Suffice it to say, MY 3 Directors didn't encourage GA production. One went as far to say that you can't make a career w/Metlife if your major product line is health. (MY experience)
"you can't make a career w/Metlife if your major product line is health."

No sh*t Sherlock! I hope you didn't think otherwise.

"I've also noticed that you post half true information at times."

Show me.

Your career was a short one at Met. That's the way it is with captive companies. Mine has been long and I sure as heck know a lot more about their contracts than you.

"MY 3 Directors didn't encourage GA production" Of course. That's the way it is in every office of Met, Pru NYL etc... I hope you realized that before you went to work there.