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MLR a Success?


5000 Post Club
It's been successful if you define making companies operate at a loss a good thing. It's successful if you define "cutting overhead" (jobs), as cutting a hole in the ceiling. It's successful if you define cutting someone's job and redistributing it in the form of a rebate...fairness.

Obamacare Health Insurance Rules Saved Customers $1.5 Billion Last Year: Study

Health insurance companies issued $1.1 billion in rebates and cut administrative costs and profit by $350 million because of the rules, according to the study. The researchers used reports filed by health insurers to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, a group of state regulators, to calculate their findings.
People who buy health insurance on their own, rather than get coverage at work, saw the biggest benefits, the researchers concluded. These consumers got $394 million in rebates, and the companies providing insurance in the individual market reduced overhead by $209 million, according to the report. Health insurance companies saw profits disappear for individual products when compared to 2010. Profit margins fell from 0.15 percent to -1.2 percent, the study found, with profits falling by $351 million.
Although these consumers benefited in the short-term, negative profit margins are cause for concern, the researchers cautioned. If insurance companies can't profit from selling products to individuals, or can't make large enough profits selling to groups to offset other losses, then it could become harder to find coverage in the future, the report said.

"Going forward, if insurers are not able to balance overall profitability in this manner, some might choose to withdraw from less-profitable market segments, which could leave consumers with fewer choices as well as higher premiums,
It's been successful if you define making companies operate at a loss a good thing. It's successful if you define "cutting overhead" (jobs), as cutting a hole in the ceiling. It's successful if you define cutting someone's job and redistributing it in the form of a rebate...fairness.

Obamacare Health Insurance Rules Saved Customers $1.5 Billion Last Year: Study

Health insurance companies issued $1.1 billion in rebates and cut administrative costs and profit by $350 million because of the rules, according to the study. The researchers used reports filed by health insurers to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, a group of state regulators, to calculate their findings.
People who buy health insurance on their own, rather than get coverage at work, saw the biggest benefits, the researchers concluded. These consumers got $394 million in rebates, and the companies providing insurance in the individual market reduced overhead by $209 million, according to the report. Health insurance companies saw profits disappear for individual products when compared to 2010. Profit margins fell from 0.15 percent to -1.2 percent, the study found, with profits falling by $351 million.
Although these consumers benefited in the short-term, negative profit margins are cause for concern, the researchers cautioned. If insurance companies can't profit from selling products to individuals, or can't make large enough profits selling to groups to offset other losses, then it could become harder to find coverage in the future, the report said.

"Going forward, if insurers are not able to balance overall profitability in this manner, some might choose to withdraw from less-profitable market segments, which could leave consumers with fewer choices as well as higher premiums,

Its the new "Middle Out Economics." Get use to it. Profits are a thing of the past. Taxes and subsidies are the new profits.:goofy:
The $1.5 billion figure is a joke.

How many insureds paid higher premiums because of Obamacare? How many children went uninsured, or settled for STM plans because of Obamacare? How many women were unable to find a carrier willing to offer affordable maternity benefits because of Obamacare? How many people worked for employers that dropped coverage, or kept coverage but increased the employer contribution because of Obamacare? How many home office and field employees lost jobs because of Obamare?

Someone is not telling the full story.
The $1.5 billion figure is a joke.

How many insureds paid higher premiums because of Obamacare? How many children went uninsured, or settled for STM plans because of Obamacare? How many women were unable to find a carrier willing to offer affordable maternity benefits because of Obamacare? How many people worked for employers that dropped coverage, or kept coverage but increased the employer contribution because of Obamacare? How many home office and field employees lost jobs because of Obamare?

Someone is not telling the full story.

A bunch..... there, I just did
The $1.5 billion figure is a joke.

How many insureds paid higher premiums because of Obamacare? How many children went uninsured, or settled for STM plans because of Obamacare? How many women were unable to find a carrier willing to offer affordable maternity benefits because of Obamacare? How many people worked for employers that dropped coverage, or kept coverage but increased the employer contribution because of Obamacare? How many home office and field employees lost jobs because of Obamare?

Someone is not telling the full story.

Good Points. When I was in college I took a course call health economics. I remember during that course and for the rest of my life thereafter, the AP would run a story every 90 days about how many uninsured Americans there were and how it was a travesty.

Ever since Obamacare passed, the AP has stopped their quarterly "Uninsured Americans" story. Even after Obamacare, I anticipate it being 50 million or so but the AP won't tell us.
Considering the report came from ultra liberal Huffington Post, I'm amazed they even included this paragraph:
Although these consumers benefited in the short-term, negative profit margins are cause for concern, the researchers cautioned. If insurance companies can't profit from selling products to individuals, or can't make large enough profits selling to groups to offset other losses, then it could become harder to find coverage in the future, the report said.