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More than a half million Americans gain coverage under Biden

Some argue that we would have "lines waiting" and docs would quit. Not sure if that's true or not but that certainly could be an unintended consequence.

Do you know any countries with a socialized/universal "free" health care system where there is no queue for anything other than routine primary care?
The world has been given a new life because of these profit driven devilish pharm companies. Damn them.

I can see lines of doctors lining up for 10 years of medical school to get a fixed salary dictated by govt for life. Not.

If VA admin insurance was available for $300 month, how many would join?
Very low %
The world has been given a new life because of these profit driven devilish pharm companies. Damn them.

I can see lines of doctors lining up for 10 years of medical school to get a fixed salary dictated by govt for life. Not.

If VA admin insurance was available for $300 month, how many would join?
Very low %
Salaries are only one component of healthcare costs. Markups on all other services far outweigh them.
I'm simply stating that universal healthcare would work exactly the same as insurance. Everybody contributes so that no single individual won't have access. Odd that some in the insurance industry look at universal healthcare as an 8 headed dragon or socialism, when thats exactly the concept behind insurance.
You just went full retard. Socialist, communists, leftists....you people make me sick. Bunch of juvenile idealists. Simply calling something a right doesn't render it immune to scarcity. Nobody has the right to healthcare anymore than they have a right to their next meal, a roof over their head at night, or clothes on their backs.

I'm hesitant to even ask this cause I know how far you jackasses run with these ignorant ideas but are taxes supposed to cover those things as well since they're "HuMaN RiGhTz"? Would we have a nationwide menu regiment like in elementary school all in the name of "fairness" and "equality" or does everyone have "the right" to request their favorite meals? How about clothing? Should we all get uniforms like they handed out in the Gulags or Auschwitz or can we all pick our favorite designer brands? Shelter: can I select my architectural style or are we all going to be living in government made apartment blocks like they have in Russia cause again "EqUaLiTy"? Even then, if I prefer a top floor for the views but got assigned to a bottom floor, can I kick you out of your window to take what I decided was rightfully mine? And getting back to healthcare, am I allowed to choose my specialist or will one be assigned to me? What if my doctor is a C student with shitty reviews who barely made it through medical school but I want to see a top notch doctor (same as everyone else wants), how do you make that system equitable? If good doctors can make more money running a private practice and the government isn't able to staff enough MD's to keep wait times reasonable for your utopian UHC, will doctors be compelled by force to work for less just to support this fantasy?

You and every other moron making similar arguments in favor of universal healthcare should think about talking to an actuary before spouting off your ignorant and uniformed opinions. Insurance companies limit risk through underwriting, the model crumbles when anyone and everyone is able to get coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions.

The mere thought of someone with a pre-existing condition being able to get coverage after complications arise makes me cringe. Bunch of bottom feeders and leeches. The types of people that aren't willing to contribute to the pot in good times but when they face adversity they want to be able to collect the benefits of everyone else's contributions towards shared risk (insurance). If they really cared about other people they would have been making payments towards insurance so when someone else's family faces difficulties they can be protected by the groups collective funds.

It's like driving around uninsured, getting into a crash resulting in property damage and medical injuries in an amount normally covered by the policies, then subsequently demanding an insurance company grant you coverage if you just make one payment because "derp, sob story, my feelings, WWJD, screeching in communist". HA! Nah dude, you're the piece of shit that decided to drive around uninsured and not contribute to the collective benefit so don't come around when you have problems and expect help cause you want to reframe the conversation about rights.

When it comes to healthcare there are too many overweight and lazy people who chronically make poor lifestyle decisions that I refuse to let my tax dollars enable. People have the power to eat healthier and exercise if they want better health; giving them free or subsidized access to Rx drugs, doctors, and treatments only enables them to continue kicking the can down the road by treating their symptoms instead of dealing with reality. If you dumbass leftists actually cared about people you would force them to confront their issues and make positive changes instead of giving them the option to abuse a welfare system that keeps spoon feeding them.

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day (and remains in an atrophied pathetic state of dependence) Teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime (with time his skills will undoubtedly improve. Able to catch more fish he can support a family. Then eventually a village.)
So, in the above argument, if you have a pre-existing condition... no matter what.. go screw yourself... You're just bucking the system.

I can tell you from personal experience of having a pre-existing condition that "diet and exercise" would have done absolutely nothing for you can kindly go screw yourself.

I went into the Army when I was 18, fresh out of high school. A few weeks before basic I noticed that I was passing blood.

Went to the doctor, no big deal. 2 months later I was in full anemic crisis due to ulcerative colitis.

I was medically discharged for a pre-existing condition. No VA benefits because I wasn't in long enough. No parent insurance because when I went into the Army I was no longer considered a dependent.

Within a year, I had three hospitalizations with transfusions. The underwriting you're talking about wouldn't touch me with a 10 ft pole.

I wasn't obese, fyi.. I was 5'10 and 125# because I couldn't keep any nutrients in my body.

20 years old, I continued to have uncontrolled UC because medication wasn't very advanced for the condition like it is now. Ultimately, I had to have surgery..

Before I could even go into surgery, I had to stay inpatient for a week with Lipids to try to.get my weight up due to risks.

Literally, the only plan that would take me was an indemnity plan and I was definitely rated. Chronically underweight and anemic, I was working part time because I couldn't hold a full time job.. so again no insurance.

That one surgery cost me 20 grand at 20 years old, that I definitely didn't have any money to pay for. Luckily, they did it and the other two... but ultimately I couldn't pay the mounting bills.

It screwed up my credit (justifiably so) for almost a decade. Awesome low paying jobs and living at home just to survive. I was able to bounce back with a whole mess of dumb luck and some preparation that took 8 years to complete.

When you run your mouth, you really don't know what tf you're talking about.

I support universal Healthcare because I lived not having insurance and being drowned in medical debt due to a condition I didn't "bring on myself."

I'm trying to be a little bit more diplomatic when I'm angry about when someone says something as completely stupid as you did above.. But I hope you never have a friend or family member have to deal with that sort of stuff.
All countries have healthcare queues however the pecking order is determined based on health priority, not bank accounts.

Its based at worth to state the worth dep on age and other health factors YOU become the investment are you a good investment or do you have preex health condition are you older?

Remember what Omaba said about the grandma who needs hip replacement as he said should we pay for hip replacement Well how long do you think she will live
So, in the above argument, if you have a pre-existing condition... no matter what.. go screw yourself... You're just bucking the system.

I can tell you from personal experience of having a pre-existing condition that "diet and exercise" would have done absolutely nothing for you can kindly go screw yourself.

I went into the Army when I was 18, fresh out of high school. A few weeks before basic I noticed that I was passing blood.

Went to the doctor, no big deal. 2 months later I was in full anemic crisis due to ulcerative colitis.

I was medically discharged for a pre-existing condition. No VA benefits because I wasn't in long enough. No parent insurance because when I went into the Army I was no longer considered a dependent.

Within a year, I had three hospitalizations with transfusions. The underwriting you're talking about wouldn't touch me with a 10 ft pole.

I wasn't obese, fyi.. I was 5'10 and 125# because I couldn't keep any nutrients in my body.

20 years old, I continued to have uncontrolled UC because medication wasn't very advanced for the condition like it is now. Ultimately, I had to have surgery..

Before I could even go into surgery, I had to stay inpatient for a week with Lipids to try to.get my weight up due to risks.

Literally, the only plan that would take me was an indemnity plan and I was definitely rated. Chronically underweight and anemic, I was working part time because I couldn't hold a full time job.. so again no insurance.

That one surgery cost me 20 grand at 20 years old, that I definitely didn't have any money to pay for. Luckily, they did it and the other two... but ultimately I couldn't pay the mounting bills.

It screwed up my credit (justifiably so) for almost a decade. Awesome low paying jobs and living at home just to survive. I was able to bounce back with a whole mess of dumb luck and some preparation that took 8 years to complete.

When you run your mouth, you really don't know what tf you're talking about.

I support universal Healthcare because I lived not having insurance and being drowned in medical debt due to a condition I didn't "bring on myself."

I'm trying to be a little bit more diplomatic when I'm angry about when someone says something as completely stupid as you did above.. But I hope you never have a friend or family member have to deal with that sort of stuff.

Ideally, we could figure out a legitimate system that both (a) helps people during unavoidable situations but (b) doesn't act as a safety net for the irresponsible. Added bonus points if we get options and variety. Extra credit if it won't cost be $1,450 per month for my family of 6.

Joe millennial who won't pay $63/mo for health insurance doesn't need a handout when he gets sick. Joe millennial who has cancer but no opportunity for coverage could get health insurance. Obamacare did this in a sense (open enroll / SEPs) - but the income element of it is ridiculous.

I'm not convinced that universal healthcare is the solution...

Pre-Obamacare - wasn't there some sort of high-risk pool (I don't do under 65 health so... not my wheelhouse).